They’re definitely keeping all the old comments, even if you “delete” them. What an edit is doing is making a new version of a comment. While this seems strange, it’s literally easier to do on a technical level and provides a layer of safety if there’s a bug in the code (allows recovery to previous data).
Honestly, this seems like a good move from Reddit. If they believe they’re removing a bad actor by a ban, then of course they’re going to prevent a bad actor from interacting on their stuff. Allowing edits post-ban for abuse is not a good outcome.
Don’t like it? Angry at Reddit? Leave and never interact with them again. Pulling that bandage off will sting but you’ll be better off for it.
They’re definitely keeping all the old comments, even if you “delete” them. What an edit is doing is making a new version of a comment. While this seems strange, it’s literally easier to do on a technical level and provides a layer of safety if there’s a bug in the code (allows recovery to previous data).
Honestly, this seems like a good move from Reddit. If they believe they’re removing a bad actor by a ban, then of course they’re going to prevent a bad actor from interacting on their stuff. Allowing edits post-ban for abuse is not a good outcome.
Don’t like it? Angry at Reddit? Leave and never interact with them again. Pulling that bandage off will sting but you’ll be better off for it.