I think there are too many factors to account for to give a good answer.
But realistically: If the walled city was stable (relative to what I knowz I can only compare things to what I know and have experienced) and my life was alright or better then or course I would stay.
If I had kids in that city I would probably stay.
If it was a shitty life inside those walls, of course I would find a way to stealthily leave.
I am 31 years old. A lot of my friends aren’t chasing partners, yet those who do don’t really want to make babies due to the long array of problems affecting quality of life.
I think there are too many factors to account for to give a good answer.
But realistically: If the walled city was stable (relative to what I knowz I can only compare things to what I know and have experienced) and my life was alright or better then or course I would stay. If I had kids in that city I would probably stay.
If it was a shitty life inside those walls, of course I would find a way to stealthily leave.