I think every single acre of public land will be gleefully giving away to billionaires yes.
I think every single acre of public land will be gleefully giving away to billionaires yes.
Virtually all of them
Of course it is, sometimes authoritarian governments track you down and murder you with an ice ax in Mexico City.
Lol delegates.
She’s incapable of running a progressive campaign. You have to actually be Progressive to do that.
Not just push back, but push back so effectively. I hope Democrats see how well it works. Fascist are cowards by Nature. When you hit them in the face they fold. Feel free to take that metaphorically and literally.
You know if these people think the president has the ability to just declare laws then why don’t they just resign? What’s the purpose of a congressman? If he’s just surrendered all the rights and privileges of his office then why does he need to fill his office? Just seems like he’s a burden on the taxpayers at this point. Seems like that’s an inefficiency that could be cut Musk.
It can be better if only Republicans got measles. They’re the ones that like them right? Why don’t they all get them?
Oh okay when you said original I thought you might be referring to the movies that came out before the Jackson ones. Also by original are you saying you want the theater cut instead of the director cut? Because if so I don’t know why anyone would be that wrong on purpose.
What do you mean when you say LOTR original trilogy?
Sounds like fraud to me
Yeah that’s what I’m referencing. It’s one of his favorite character archetypes. I think he used it in three different shows.
It basically could have been written by an Aaron Sorkin character.
Much more virulent diseases didn’t wipe out Humanity I don’t know why that one would.
Why not just go further? Just ban all blacks and women from joining the military. That’s the goal right? Why don’t they just take that step? They’re going to anyway.
Well except for one.
Sock bath!
There’s a lot of cocky talk from you about majorities from someone bemoaning an electoral defeat across the board.
Good Lord some of the answers in this thread. I first thought this was like an unpopular opinion community. Is this all just Edge Lords trying to say the most popular and well regarded movies they can?