80% of church goers believe that shit. The other 20% are there because of all the easy pickings.
A cranky biologist who means well. My hobbies include long walks off short piers and anything science related.
80% of church goers believe that shit. The other 20% are there because of all the easy pickings.
You should probably learn about Rahm Emmanuel.
And fsck that “any D is better than R”. There are at least 20 other letters in the alphabet. Talk about accepting false framing.
That still doesn’t make RFK right about anything. The article is about encouraging people to be vaccinated.
Your comment is what the cool kids call sus
Yeah that’s one if those truthy sayings that no one really looks into.
I completely agree the point of the lie is to convince poorer people that they aren’t good enough, smart enough to handle wealth.
Why? Because you can have your own website in an afternoon and stand out from the grey mush that is substack.
“Quisling” works too and it has a nice sound to it.
Naan desu ka.
I just ordered a handful of enameled pins that are just a pink triangle.
I’m going to start wearing one long before they mandate it. As a sorta standard-issue looking cis man, the world needs to know that, no, you cannot count on me to be nice about any of this shit.
Things are different this time. All us queer folk are well aware we are not alone and how hard we have to fight just to exist.
The world needs to know that we exist in large numbers and we are EVERYWHERE.
At least I have found something I have in common with AI search engines.
“Through counseling” my shapely ass.
Through literal torture.
The pdf available at the link is a doctoral dissertation from BYU by a man who I knew personally. He is fortunately quite dead now, but in life he helped spread the practice of applying punitive eletric shocks when the sensor on your pecker detects your interest in the pornography he also provides.
These fuckers are monsters.
Great idea! See you tomorrow!
I did not stutter. I said liberals.
Hide the sharpies, at least.
Typical liberal crap. They have to tell stories to themselves that make their relative security and comfort into a sign of moral superiority, not just a roll of the dice.
It is a feature, not a problem.
I have, like, this whole rich life offline. My curated list of instances and communities (plus my user block list) is just my entertainment and a small portion of my day.
You may not believe this but I have numerous thoughts, activities and interactions that never leave a trace online. I have no obligation to drink from the firehose that is being pumped from the septic tank of the human psyche.
It’s probably partly generational. I mean the old guard got pensions and we get wtevs.
People who aren’t in leadership often have no idea how to judge actual merit anyway. Especially among engineers who often develop very myopic views informed by their tech specialties. I am often gob-smacked by the incredibly stupid ideas otherwise brilliant engineers have about how the world works.
So sadly folks like your brother are probably feeling validated for their racist feelings right now.
Thank you.
Yes, I agree black and white categories aren’t the ideal way to describe people.
But there comes a time when nuance is used against the compassionate to normalize reprehensible actions. We are in that time now.
It is for these reasons that I cannot stand listening to NPR anymore. The ineffectual hand wringing and disingenuous ’liberal self-reflection’ is tiresome and we are well past the time for thoughtful think-pieces.
No need to fix perfection