If doing it makes you feel better, that’s all the point you need. Yes, it may be a useless waste of time, but that’s secondary. If it’s something you want to do, don’t let the possibility of backups stop you.
If doing it makes you feel better, that’s all the point you need. Yes, it may be a useless waste of time, but that’s secondary. If it’s something you want to do, don’t let the possibility of backups stop you.
It’s funny either way. In case it’s arson, though, I hope whoever did it gets away clean.
A lot of Americans are hurt, too, but that’s nothing compared to what you’re dealing with.
Even though there’s been plenty wrong with our country, at least we knew we could become a home for people who needed it. Not a great home, but at least we could provide basic security. Now we can’t even manage that.
“The high price of eggs is in no way President Trump’s fault,” Kirk writes. “Almost all the increase took place during Biden’s final months in office.”
This attempt at misdirection is so artfully sleazy I have to appreciate it. It should be taught in classes.
It’s still misdirection, though. It doesn’t matter WHO was in office, or WHAT the price of eggs was. Trump campaigned on the promise to lower those prices.
He’s not annoyed because the public doesn’t understand. He’s annoyed at the public for having the audacity to call him out on his bullshit.
Again, SCOTUS has surprised me by doing something non-horrible.
He’s so selfish and arrogant that catering to his ego will be critical. I think he’d prefer a crummy deal that lets him look good, over a great deal that embarrasses him. He doesn’t care what’s best for the USA long term; he’d rather look good now.
It’s like Netanyahu saw what Trump has been doing, and said to himself “I better step up the douchebaggery!”
Perfect capitalism maneuver. Straight from the playbook.
Treat workers like shit
Blame them when they finally reach the breaking point
Good for them - in this one particular situation
Ah. Thank you. I didn’t know that.
That’s a really shitty contract.
Yeah, but the DHS is taking a massive risk each time they fire someone because of a polygraph. Without other evidence, they will have no legal defense if sued.
Polygraph tests are so unreliable, they’re not even admissible in court.
Not exactly a rock solid case if someone who’s fired decides to sue - which I hope happens frequently.
I’m sure this will work exactly as planned, and have no negative consequences whatsoever.
Neither do I, but sometimes people are just fantastically stupid.
Judging by the home page, it appears to be a legitimate news source.
At best, meat grinders are amazingly thoughtless. At worst, they’re a cruel, unfunny prank.
Look at how Justice Amy Coney Barrett looks at our duly elected President, the man who put her on the Supreme Court. She looks very bitter.
Um, justices don’t owe the president who selected them any favors. Was she supposed to be fawning over him? If she’s beginning to think for herself, and won’t let the big orange baby have everything he wants, good.
Besides, anyone who says she’s “not conservative enough” hasn’t been paying attention.
You seem to have nailed it. I can’t think of anything I’d add. Your prototypical example is perfect.
If a relationship isn’t very important to you, you’re actually doing the right thing for your potential partner. Not everyone is meant to “pair up” with someone. If you’re happy and fulfilled right now, just keep doing what you’re doing. You always have the option to change things if you want to.