The article is big on feelings , but no action or direction, just like the federal Democratic Party.
It’s really amazing how similar the two are
The article is big on feelings , but no action or direction, just like the federal Democratic Party.
It’s really amazing how similar the two are
I hope it’s more than just a token effort. Hard to say if they can. Either way it’s a turning point.
I want them too, I just cannot imagine real protest happening. It’s much easier to herd cats
Can’t form mobs if everyone sits indoors
Don’t blink
Realistically, defeatism is the best way to go.
Can do more damage getting folks’ hope up than speculating failure of leadership.
Because if they hope, then will delay personal decisions, and some people reading the social nets have stuff coming at them soon: either with federal layoffs, frozen budgets, delayed assistance, persecution or some other.
And basically saying leadership will follow track record will do no harm, it’s not like polls matter right now. There are no elections in the near future; and what the fallout of whatever they do will be huge, dwarfing any defeatism talk
Does California even have enough snake oil???!
It’s better to ask forgiveness than permission
There is power in symbolism ; I think if it became fashionable to have jewelry and logos featuring these, it would help. It would remind people, on all sides.
Our sides need boosts to morale, which is probably just as important as organization. Such fashion trends using this and other things might have an outsized impact. No need to actually use the real thing. Although I think it would be helpful too, but only within the law
In some situations with some people yes. It’s really hard to separate the project and team.
Usually, projects I have seen start with the best plans and methods, or at least vague good intentions, but later pretend they never met them. Like a cheap date.
There are some projects that naturally lend themselves to one approach or other, and they last longer following the original guidelines ; but if a project lives long enough these guidelines become the enemy.
I think the only projects that follow any set of guidelines for longer than a few years; they have a narrow purpose for being. Straightforward evolution or needs
I would assume some admin are being held back by the school lawyers, only , who see massive, huge, and extraordinary law suits later should government change the the better
Sometimes much older
Maybe if the threads pause a lot, and pause even more as the stack unwinds to the final exciting conclusion.
I heard it is best to only vote democrat or personal freedoms may be lost. And only republicans will win. I disagreed.
Surprisingly I was not downvoted to oblivion elsewhere; which in my mind is a huge
I like your optimism
Maybe longer than most expect.
There is a bunch of lead time for all sides to get up to speed, maybe more than a year?
more left-wing protest groups
That can defend themselves. Not many will openly protest otherwise if the leaders get picked off like snacks at a buffet.
I don’t think that comes naturally to most USA leftists, most of whom only experienced how it used to be in the last 40 years.
It will take a while to learn again. Should look to see how the civil rights movements protected themselves and labor before that
! that way
Comparing my net worth to that total net worth? I’d be upset, but not terribly so, if I lost $1000 too.
But since I would be getting it back later, and then some, it’s more like a small investment only . Definitely worth the small risk,
You know in how some history, a bunch of people are just chilling before a war becomes active much; they just kick a ball around while a few yards away from the enemy, but a year later it’s much different?
We are here, someone kicked a ball to the enemy to annoy them
People talk about the Democratic senators like they are some independent force , but most of them are as incapable of action as their gop counterparts.