Didn’t he go fash?
Didn’t he go fash?
Again, if your argument is about competetive fairness, then we don’t need gender segregation to make sure everyone gets a chance to compete fairly. Ranking on some objective measure of performance can ensure that nobody is out of their league at sports.
If the point of segregating by gender in sports is to make space for women in sports, then we could just do that. No point in discriminating about it since trans folks are rare anyway.
Since the actual point of women’s sports is to protect fragile male egos from getting beaten by girls, forcing trans women into men’s leagues doesn’t solve the problem either.
And to answer your question, extreme long distance running. Here’s an article about it: https://www.runnersworld.com/uk/news/a44172975/are-women-better-endurance-runners/
Wow, I didn’t expect you to make this so easy for me.
To prove your argument, name one example of a trans man who was required to participate in women’s sports without controversy.
As counter-argument, here’s a trans man that was forced to compete in women’s wrestling and won two state championships because he wasn’t allowed to compete with men: https://www.thepinknews.com/2021/06/01/trans-wrestling-mack-beggs-texas-sport-changing-the-game-hulu/
And here’s another article focusing on trans men competing against cis men in sports:
I said it’s about sex. You keep bringing up gender. Gender does not matter in sports.
If this was true then cis women would be forced to compete with trans men, causing exactly the same problems as you hope to ignore by insisting that sports are segregated by sex rather than gender.
If you actually believe what you say you do, then you think these guys should be on women’s teams:
Personally, I think you’re pretty weird for demanding that certain kinds of men should be forced into women’s sports just because of their sex.
Admitting that you can only get 99% accuracy is an admission that sex isn’t what you’re seeing when you try to guess someone’s gender, and that you think that the existence of trans and gender-nonconforming people is something that can be ignored because our lives are less important than the convenience of your assumptions.
If genotype and hormone testing aren’t mandatory then it’s gender segregregated. Sex isn’t a property one can assume from outward appearances.
Depends on what the point is.
If the point is to give everyone a chance to compete fairly then breaking the sport into tiers based on ability makes sense and gender segregation would be unnecessary.
If the point is to make space for women to participate in sports, then excluding certain kinds of women because of some personal characteristic outside of their control would defeat the purpose. Trans women deserve not to have to play with the boys too.
If they’re allowed to team up on him, sure. XD
You missed my point.
If the argument is that unfair competition due to “biological advantages” should be reduced then I agree. Sports should be segregated by performance classes and open to all genders.
But if the point of segregating sports is to make space for women in sports, then excluding trans women is nothing more than discrimination on par with excluding black or disabled women. Trans women deserve not to have to play with the boys too.
So you’re saying that people like Michael Phelps should be excluded from competing in sports due to the famous athelete’s “biological advantages”?
Sadly. You’re correct. The existence of people like me is a wedge issue. >_<
What backlash? All I see is Republicans making a mountain out of a molehill.