1 day agoThis is how I felt about all the Nolan Batman movies, except it was Batman himself I couldn’t take seriously because of Bale’s ridiculous Cookie Monster voice. I think I burst out laughing in the theatre when I first heard it.
This is how I felt about all the Nolan Batman movies, except it was Batman himself I couldn’t take seriously because of Bale’s ridiculous Cookie Monster voice. I think I burst out laughing in the theatre when I first heard it.
I thought watching the new ones was like watching paint dry. At least Lynch’s version had some personality.
Yeah, I’d rather watch the Lynch version anytime, the new ones are like 6 hours of bland, boring choices and wooden performances.
Women in Love, definitely Ken Russell’s masterpiece.
I’m not sure why you’re trying to argue this stuff. This is a thread about movies you can’t be convinced are good. I’m not trying to convince you, I’m stating that I liked the David Lynch Dune considerably more than the new ones. Feel free to take that or leave it, art’s not really objective, dude.