Thanks for clarifying.
Thanks for clarifying.
Twist happy ending: the possum gets up and walks away. It was only playing dead.
This is an image with captions; usually these are meant as metaphors, jokes, fiction, or exaggerations.
If it had been an American teenager, I doubt there would have been an article posted at all. But if there had been, I doubt such a comment would be downvoted.
I feel like a similar proportion of teenagers from Israel and America are idiots like this one. I remember many teenagers from my highschool (Canada) who would be this kind of dumb. Based on this, I don’t see why people would react differently to my comment, though maybe it’d come across different if the reader is American, not sure. (I think I’d make the same inference about Canadian high schooler as another country’s though.)
…that said, I do agree with you. I have noticed for instance that Japanese high schoolers in public seem to be incredibly polite compared to Canadian ones. You can make a small inference perhaps about the high schools from a country based on a single point of data like this. But – I don’t think this really says very much about the disposition toward Nazism (of the original German trappings) in the general Israeli public.
But it wasn’t just sports, he also agreed that minors shouldn’t be allowed to transition. Forcing a minor to go through one type of puberty when they wish to go through a different kind IMO is torture. Regret rates for transitioning are extremely low, and even if you do regret it you’re no worse off than someone who regrets not transitioning.
american cheese is really gross though (the low quality stuff, which is lower than we have in canada)
tbh though high quality american cheese is better than anything we have
It sounds fascist, especially when you phrase it that way, but it is not. My philosophy is that everyone has a right to live where they are born. Is it fascist to desire anything less than the eradication of Canada? IMO working for realistic, incremental, achievable improvements over the status quo (for instance) is not fascist.
I think you mean trans women…?
Anybody but the traiterous incumbant Gavin Newsom, who just threw trans people under the bus.
This is an idiotic teenager and should have no bearing on your opinion of Israel. (I shouldn’t have to say this, but if I don’t somebody will m’accuse: please note that I’m not defending Israel.)
I guess only people with thick skin should be welcomed here.
Bro that’s so not the same as fascism. I don’t approve at all of Israel’s actions, I hate Zionism, but I don’t believe it’s a given that Israel must be eradicated. I’m disappointed by AOC’s stance on Israel and Palestine, but I would not say it is fascism at all. If you think that advocating for an “immediate cease-fire and de-escalation” is anything like fascist Zionism then you need a reality check.
I am always trying to shift people left. But there just aren’t enough of us yet.
Nobody should be subjected to conversion therapy against their will.
Normally I’d be willing to give any head of state some amount of benefit of the doubt that the recession might have occurred regardless of their actions. But in this case, the cause is obvious.
Until such a time as a socialist revolution seems plausible, I still prefer to see progressive liberals in power over conservatives.
Here we have somebody being polite and engaging in politics@lemmy.world. I come to this community because I wish to talk to people who are more right-wing than me. Let’s not shoo them away please.
Let’s get more kidneys out there instead with tax credits for donors.
out of curiosity, can you explain what physical stance has only one knee bent? Like, a lunge…? Genuinely new to this expression.