I stg when I speak English, it’s with the front third of my mouth and when I speak German, it’s the back third (excluding the “L” sound). Realizing that helped me cultivate a much better accent in German
I stg when I speak English, it’s with the front third of my mouth and when I speak German, it’s the back third (excluding the “L” sound). Realizing that helped me cultivate a much better accent in German
Yeah, it is an easy mistake to make. Generally abbreviations/diminutives for nationalities are insulting (Brit excluded)
Sanders has every reason in the world to get discouraged and give up. It’s a small ray of hope that he doesn’t.
Not the sentiment, the word used for Japanese people. Saying “if Japanese people didn’t exist, they should be invented” would be totally acceptable.
It can be hard to avoid slurs in other languages though, especially when English has so many. My husband’s not a native English speaker and it comes up maybe every other month that he’ll say something and I’ll have to tell him to avoid that word or only use it in one specific usage. I’ve only been corrected/gaped at for inadvertently using slurs twice in over five years living in Germany, for comparison.
No shit.
There’s literally no other reason to: there are “immigrant detention camps” closer to nyc and Syria/Algeria, and this is arguably the worst one in terms of likelihood of winning your immigration case and likelihood of getting pepper sprayed for no goddamn reason
It does look weirdly ai though. I’m not saying it’s fake, because frankly, I don’t think there’s an ai yet that can create that much sensible text, and the details on his hand and arm are true to life (based on that thumbnail, he should probably take a multivitamin).
Anyone know what’s so off-looking about the handwriting though? I figure it’s a weird angle and that’s why the text fades towards the right side of the page, but it’s a very strange picture all around. Maybe things just get funky when you take pictures at that level of zoom.
Yeah, it would be great if Columbia just acceded to the protesters fully and divested from Israel in response to this.
That’s smaller than I print for notes and I can see just well enough to legally drive without issues (plus unlike trump, I actually know how to)
I discovered cats does countdown during the pandemic and holy shit, a show with anagrams, math problems, and comedians? It’s perfect
So very much
This is especially good, because artificially aged Chris Evans is unintentionally a 9/10 Biden impersonator
That’s €376.10, not nearly enough imo.
Russia famously only cooperates with friends when it comes to space exploration.
I don’t see it for him, but spot on for mtg. He looks like a preacher to me
Text is never 100% black, but rastered.
Does “rastered” mean the image is mapped onto a very fine grid and each square is given a 0-100 value for intensity of ink? I looked it up, and it seemed like the squares are given a binary value, but this is nowhere near my wheelhouse and I’m honestly not sure I understood the Wikipedia page, let alone the references
The name’s shotwell, Tayka shotwell
I’m from Connecticut and used to work in a call center taking insurance claims nationwide. I once got a call from a guy in rural North Carolina, who had a super thick accent. He was explaining that the damage to his car came from the tar blowing up and I was trying to figure out wtf he meant by this (sometimes customers are nuts or lie- it was okay to take down a story that definitely didn’t happen, it just needs to be clear and true to what the caller claimed). I kept asking what caused the asphalt to explode and he was totally uninterested, saying it was old, sometimes that happens, isn’t that our job to figure out?
Anyway, I was having a tough time understanding this guy, but my coworker went to college in Tennessee, so I roped her in and transferred him.
His tire exploded, not the tar. He just pronounced tire the way that I pronounce tar. For me, it’s two syllables and indistinguishable from the word for one who ties.