It’s a fucking joke FFS. It’s the standard response from Deepseek.
It’s a fucking joke FFS. It’s the standard response from Deepseek.
Don’t tell him, let’s pretend we didn’t see that.
You must be more respectful of all cultures and opinions.
I’m interested to know why it’s done like that. It seems awful. Do you have some SCM like git? Do you have restrictions like working for the army? So many questions.
I’m asking because I’ve seen that a lot in the past and it was always due to bad practices that no one wanted or could change.
That’s a stupid idea. God created this virus as a test of our own faith. You can’t weaken it. (someone around me might say)
It assumes that FIFA has standards.
Muslim monarchy, “government critics being imprisoned and tortured, families harassed by the state security apparatus, and cases of forced disappearances.”
OP: I’m gay and everything is fine.
It’s fair. I have read the books quite a few times in my childhood and the movies were almost like I have been thinking of the whole time.
I have a hundred of top 10 movies, and I don’t understand the hate for the new Dune movies. The actors are good, the movies stick to the script, the picture is pretty and the music is nice too. I was also pleasantly surprised that you could transpose all this world to a movie because it’s kinda difficult. You can’t please everyone though.
I forgot Siamese cats too. If you’re the owner, they love you. If you’re a stranger, they’ll rip your head off.
I don’t want to defend pitbulls, but a chihuahua with a small kalachnikov would be deadly as well.
They can take the salary of the CEO to fund the browser, they can ask for donations that go directly to the browser, they can make subscriptions with useful services. So many ideas that they didn’t try in the past 10 years. But it’s easier to get free money from Google and do nothing.
Same for my last job. My bosses and managers harassed and insulted me. They said I was useless and stupid.
I quit with 3 months of “notice” (standard in France to help you find a new job). They didn’t care during those 3 months. In the last week they panicked because they could not find a replacement that did everything I fixed every day.
I also interviewed my replacement, a junior out of school with big diplomas. When I asked if he knew Linux, he said “not really.” I thought “they are fucked with this guy.” They wanted to hire him because he was the son of some guy. I said to my boss that he would be a perfect fit for the company.
Unknowingly I was the kill switch. I sent them one last email with all the information they needed and told them to go fuck themselves in a polite way.
Yes. Tim Apple gave the $1M bribe to Orange Donald.
Republicans may be targeting brown people, or not, that’s a mystery!
this will only push me and other people like me out!
That’s the whole point.
He’s a teenager, not a toddler. I would say 11PM to give him personal time before sleeping, but no more than midnight (it’s a very bad habit for everyone, even adults).
Downvoted because we don’t have to hear all the idiotic thoughts of this moron but:
I literally challenged Putin to one on one physical combat
Putin is a crazy fucker from the KGB. Strength in a fight is not about age, going to the gym, or all the things Elon believes. I have personally known skinny old guys walking with a cane who could kick his ass in a few seconds.
Ukraine will inevitably lose
Putin propaganda, I am not surprised. The rest of the text is the same shit.
It’s a great combo between 1984 and “this place is fucking boring.”
I’ve been training my own mental model with TPB and a VPN for years. Thanks Facebook for showing me that it’s the legal way to do it!