It also says “Dark Web.” They might be trying to not tip their hand by mentioning specific sites or someone from Marketing wrote the list.
It also says “Dark Web.” They might be trying to not tip their hand by mentioning specific sites or someone from Marketing wrote the list.
Depositing their AIPAC checks.
Definitely - just look at its name - Dihydrogen Monoxide. Definitely foreign.
A lot of those hard-working 'Muricans voted for Krasnov, so I wouldn’t worry about ever buying American again. Unfortunately, I’m in the USA, so my options seem to be getting more and more limited. Unless I win a lottery. But I’d have to drive like 100+ km to another state to buy lottery tickets.
Thots and prayers. Maybe if they stop making eggs for breakfast they could afford to fix their homes.
The only thing I got from this is Peter Dinklage is a good guy.
I had zero interest in watching this movie before and that’s been reinforced by this article.
The Disneyholics will support it like they always do and the constant stream of rehash will continue unabated.
Maybe it’ll be about his secret twin sister, Jane Wax.