At the moment, that would either be Bofuri or Kuma Kuma Kuma Bear. As long as I don’t make an enemy out of the indestructible girl in black armor/a bear costume, I should be just fine.
At the moment, that would either be Bofuri or Kuma Kuma Kuma Bear. As long as I don’t make an enemy out of the indestructible girl in black armor/a bear costume, I should be just fine.
Absolute moral rules can be discovered through logical deduction.
Not really. Best practices based on a set of goals and priorities can be discovered logically. The sticking point is that people can have very wildly different goals and priorities, and even small changes to that starting point can cause a huge difference in the resulting best practices.
I’m sure Florida wouldn’t be a garbage heap if it had proper management.
Insert 300 meme here.