Every few years I’ll need to pick up a few random things like bread, a hammer, and a soccer ball. So I’ll go to Walmart. Then I’ll be reminded why I never shop at Walmart.
Every few years I’ll need to pick up a few random things like bread, a hammer, and a soccer ball. So I’ll go to Walmart. Then I’ll be reminded why I never shop at Walmart.
Today is my 17th wedding anniversary
Anything musical. I can’t sing on key and can’t keep a beat to save my life. I’m not tone deaf, I can hear pitch and I know how to read music and can do it all in my head, but can’t translate it to my mouth or fingers.
Pulverized and set adrift as an interstellar cloud
Thanks and no. But funny enough my wife is a huge Shakespeare nerd. Like takes a beach vacation and just reads Shakespeare in a lounger to relax nerd. So it’s fitting.