Here’s the image itself instead of in a shoddy screenshot
My username is a wordplay on the Linux command filesystem check: fsck.
Here’s the image itself instead of in a shoddy screenshot
Oh man. I need to watch Sliders. That show was great.
So glad this meme was cropped so poorly and compressed down to a hazy blur. It really adds to the shittiness that everyone loves and needs.
Just to be a contrarian, here’s the original image from Matt Wuerker at Politico
I’ve been trying out Voyager for a little while and it seemed pretty good overall, but I found a few small things with the UX that made it annoying.
I downloaded Summit after this comment and it really is almost exactly what I needed. Thanks!
I do wish you could customize the colors, though. The few presets just don’t really fit my tastes.
The fact this is not coming from @ljdawson@lemmy.world themselves is another big piece of evidence of their inability to maintain a good relationship or even just a good line of communication with the community and people who pay/paid for the app/subscription.
I’ve defended them in the past for falling short of this sort of thing in the past, but at this point it’s inexcusable.
In my opinion, I think they need to hang it up and move on from Sync. They need to stop stringing people along. Or at least bring on another developer that can help move things along faster and maintain communication and expectations with the community.
To add to that, to effectively use docker and basically anything important for self-hosting is to learn the basics of Linux.
A good resource for that is https://learnlinux.tv/
At first I read the title as
How much pareidolia is too much?
And I was bracing for a fun thread, but then my brain caught up and now I’m disappointed.
“Innocent until proven guilty” doesn’t exonerate a person from personal judgement based on facts simply because they have not been convicted in a court of law.
Edit -
Also, just because a case has been dropped doesn’t mean they weren’t guilty. Based on evidence, it’s more than reasonable to state he attempted to have someone assassinated.
You’re also going to need to provide more supporting information than a single article that’s a clear opinion piece written by a business that is biased towards supporting Ulbricht. You also share this bias being an apparent libertarian yourself, which could imply you cherry-picked this article.
Not that I can’t change my mind, but that one link ain’t gonna do it.
Well, that’s not quite what happened. There is evidence he ordered the hit and paid for it. The tainted cop tricked Ulbricht into thinking that the killing took place.
Page 19 under heading “2. Murders Commissioned by Dread Pirate Roberts”
Didn’t he also pay to have someone assassinated?
Shouldn’t we also count his moral bankruptcies?
I get that you’re likely exaggerating by saying “it’s no extra work”, but managing another account is markedly extra work. It will also cost extra because Cloudflare does not add any markup for registration, which is why they are the cheapest registrar.
I think the convenience and reduction of cost greatly outweighs the highly unlikely situation where “something goes fucky”. If it does, then what? You can’t make DNS updates for a little while?
The most likely reason to get locked out is billing issues, or maybe you lost your login information or something like that, which is going to be the same risk regardless of who your registrar is. Otherwise you’d have to be involved in some sort of legal issue associated with your domain and that is a much deeper issue than can be solved by simply changing nameservers.
You’ll be fine to move them to Cloudflare.
What the other user is describing would be an extremely rare scenario, and you should be able to change registrars in that case anyway.
There’s really not much of any practical benefits of that kind of excessive “risk mitigation”.
Well, obviously. The depression isn’t going away.
This implies you can’t do drugs and gaming, which is entirely false.
Drive errors would pile up on critical systems because they didn’t filesystem check themselves before they filesystem wrecked themselves