Now a Burbclave, that’s the place to live. A city-state with its own constitution, a border, laws, cops, everything.
Now a Burbclave, that’s the place to live. A city-state with its own constitution, a border, laws, cops, everything.
Don’t forget “A mind that’s a-weak and a back that’s strong”
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“How you doing, Dixie?”
“I’m dead, Case. Got enough time in on this Hosaka to figure that one.”
“How’s it feel?”
“It doesn’t.”
“Bother you?”
“What bothers me is, nothin’ does.”
“How’s that?”
“Had me this buddy in the Russian camp, Siberia, his thumb was frostbit. Medics came by and they cut it off. Month later he’s tossin’ all night. Elroy, I said, what’s eatin’ you? Goddam thumb’s itchin’, he says. So I told him, scratch it. McCoy, he says, it’s the other goddam thumb.” When the construct laughed, it came through as something else, not laughter, but a stab of cold down Case’s spine. “Do me a favor, boy.”
“What’s that, Dix?”
“This scam of yours, when it’s over, you erase this goddam thing.”
There is a naan zero chance that I will try it out.
Not what’s being asked, but I immediately thought of Nega Scott from Scott Pilgrim.
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[Tadamasa Goto’s] claim to infamy was alledgedly ordering a hit on the esteemed Japanese film director Juzo Itami in May 1992. Itami had directed a film called Minbo no onna, which, unlike all previous yakuza films in Japan, portrayed the yakuza as money-grubbing, ill-mannered louts, not noble outlaws. Goto was not pleased with the film and especially disturbed by the implications that yakuza did not live up to their threats. On May 22, five members of his organization attacked Itami in the parking lot in front of his house, slashing his left cheek and his neck, inflicting serious injuries upon him. Itami became a vocal supporter of the new anti–organized crime laws the Japanese government put in place that year and a general pain in the ass to organized crime. He was a living symbol of what the yakuza really did, not what they pretended to do. He allegedly killed himself a few years later by jumping from a tall building.
Tokyo Vice, chapter 21
I’d imagine this is not uncommon of them though. It’s a tidy way to off somebody in a city with lots of places to do it.
I think about this most times I eat ramen, and I eat ramen a lot.
Bit of trivia: the director Jūzō Itami was thrown off a rooftop by the yakuza and they typed up a suicide note for him. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Juzo_Itami#Death
Veil of Ignorance strikes again! https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Original_position
This one is easy. His idea about what “doing really well with Russia” means is way different from what American officials have had for decades.
That’s the fast lane to having every company that values their IP exiting Brazil. Apple would roll their certificates and quit signing whatever Brazil was building with and Brazil’s economy would be way worse off for nothing.
The Volkswagen Bug Zapper.
My kids and I use https://github.com/itzg/docker-minecraft-bedrock-server and I would recommend it.
This does not sound good for those people. Writing is a way of thinking. AI writing assistants are competitive cognitive artifacts. People who use AI to write most of their written communication will get worse at thinking through writing.
I live in a northern border city. What benefit should I be on the lookout for?
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