Lol my company has a “no sort” policy. Many key docs just self destruct if you sort.
Lol my company has a “no sort” policy. Many key docs just self destruct if you sort.
Exactly, these clowns hired the same types of people who barely pull off wins despite being the majority party. They’re really good at collecting money and paying themselves, but really shit at winning.
The right has been stacking the deck, blatantly, for thirty fucking years. I’m a big fan of awarding electrical college points based on congressional districts. All of a sudden those cities in deeply red states get a voice.
Hopefully this will educate future generations to tax the everliving fuck out of the rich. American democracy has gotten worse as the tax rates fell.
They just don’t get it. The game has changed, people are used to high energy fast paced delivery from social media. A presidential candidate needs to be engaging and deliver a super condensed message that’s shareable. I don’t know anybody in my personal life that was excited Kamala was running and I’m from the bay area.
Granted Biden withdrawing so close to the election left them without much time to strategize, I don’t see them really playing it too differently. The legacy Dems are old and corrupt, they don’t understand that being cozy with corporations is gross and that we want fiery new blood. They’ll probably continue doing the same shit, playing the same old games until it’s too late.
Yup, if someone could make a bot that changes every comment I’ve ever made into promotion of violence I’d run it. Fuck them stooges.
I get what you’re saying but agree with the other guy. Just saying brother’s ink or toner is first party instantly makes it sound like other brands are inferior. Just because you’re intelligent enough to know that’s not true doesn’t mean everyone is. If recent history has taught me anything, it’s that the average person is far less intelligent than you’d assume.
Back before everyone had maps on their phone, printing MapQuest maps was fantastic. This was the early 00’s though and we all had money to burn still.
You can copy and paste values to another workbook and sort but it’ll kill almost all the useful information. We’ve got these massive docs that reference numerous tabs and populate parent+children lines. It’s an absolute mess and takes 6 months of training, I look at it as job security lol