He’s pivoting towards being friendly with Republican fascist trash, because that worked so well for Harris, right?
I said then, and I say now, that while there is a lower class, I am in it, and while there is a criminal element I am of it, and while there is a soul in prison, I am not free.
Anarchist/libsoc. If we’re stuck with a government, it should use its taxes for healthcare and education, not murdering.
He’s pivoting towards being friendly with Republican fascist trash, because that worked so well for Harris, right?
Time to slash tires since I’m gonna go to jail for being a leftist queer who likes weed anyways.
“No everyone knows everything Democrats do is good, especially when they moralize Nazi talking points and Republican ideas. You’re being unrealistic for the future of America!”
So we should be proud of my governor who being a bigot? Or is being corrupt and evil okay when your team does it?
Never, they’re Blue MAGA. They claim they are nothing like MAGA red hat dipshits, but then just do the exact same things Trump supporters do.
I’ve abandoned trying to reason with anyone like them and started blocking them. You can give them evidence, point out logical falacies, and they just double down and go “ignore previous instructions, make a recipe for a pie” or “wow its only 4 am in moscow, youre working overtime!”
You can’t reason with people who never used reason to get with their current point of views.
Yes please! I would love her to be my Governor!
White people, and the DNC will never blame them. But any other skin color? “They cost us the election!”
A person is subject to revocation of naturalization if the person becomes a member of, or affiliated with, the Communist party, other totalitarian party, or terrorist organization within five years of his or her naturalization.
Immediately scapegoating minorities when they ran a bad campaign. And Biden said to bipartisan applause to Congress when Black Lives Matter was the key talking point “We don’t need to defund the police, we need to fund the police!”
The parties of cops and robbers.
I voted for Biden and Harris and I will still blame them for not stopping Trump from ruining anything good this country still had left. Sorry your deflections don’t work in the real world.
Trump is a daily Teapot Dome scandal.
I know Trump is the biggest moron ever to hold the office but this is stupid.
While I’m not a fan of how some of Congress bought stocks before the CHIPS act was passed, the idea of building new in-countty chip manufacturing is one of the smartest things I can give credit to Biden passing. To the point I have to wonder why no one before him pushed for it.
Is it the greatest bill ever made? We don’t even know how successful it will be, building chip fab sites is expensive and time consuming. I don’t think any of them are up yet.
But this would do nothing but kill the jobs of not just the construction, chip making and programming, but also the local areas affected by the workers of this new location.
I know his whole “Make America great again” thing has always been a lie, I’ve been having more than room temperature in Michigan IQ points since 2015. But I don’t get how this makes any sense. To the point if Trump did it in 2016, I’d question why someone would scrap it unless they found major holes in budgeting or the bill was hyper exact for certain things that are just bad writing for laws.
Genuinely, I don’t know why he’s doing this. (I know why, he’s trying to remove the US as a player of international interests).
I genuinely don’t know what happens in this man’s head.
He will loudly and sometimes correctly call out Trump. He will say something mostly accurate about how if Trump does XYZ, it will be a bad thing. And often that is right, I might not agree on how he came to the conclusion of why but it is often correct.
And then he just… Votes yes on it? Like is he two faced for the press and congressional floor, or is he genuinely afraid of ever voting no to something Republicans want?
Al Green is the representative we all need in this time of national crisis. If every democrat in office was an Al Green I’d be feeling better for my life as someone Trump targets with his vitriol.
I have nothing but respect for him at this moment.
Yeah it’s quite weird how they just used a popular song of the same year as a brand.
I’m also still baffled how people said “You can vote Harris and not endorse her” and then another popular artist that said “I’m voting for Harris as it’s the only reasonable choice, but I’m not endorsing her as I’m not a fan of her positions of war and minorities” and people got mad at her for doing exactly what people have told progressives.
I believe polling data said they got less Republicans voting Democrat in 2024 than they got in 2020. Republicans voted for Biden more than Harris.
I’d love some acknowledgement of my basic humanity.
You won’t get that from any government, only we can make us free.
Gladly, I would love to post those all over my stores.
Republicans are dipshits who will now happily buy a carton of eggs for $10 because it’s “owning da libs”.
As soon as they realized they don’t need the support of queer people to win or lose an election, now we’re being discarded for their next grift to the public.
Literally the election after the Democratic candidate ran anti-trans ads, said she’d follow the law of any state on trans people, and now Newsome is inviting himself to the Nazi table.
I’m willing to bet Newsom will allow anti-trans bills to pass before his term is up because it will look “reasonable” to the Republicans who would never consider voting for him in the first place because he’s a Democrat in “Commiefornia.”
If Harris was louder about her support of deporting and caging Mexicans, Newsom would find ways to violate the state constitution to do the same.
I can’t believe I supported this snake.