Yeah, ODROID partnered with them to create an off the shelf product. It’s pretty pricy, though, but honestly you could run it on a pi 3b+ for pretty cheap.
Yeah, ODROID partnered with them to create an off the shelf product. It’s pretty pricy, though, but honestly you could run it on a pi 3b+ for pretty cheap.
Please excuse me while I go bury my hand.
Sounds like you should check out Homeassistant.
Yes, they’re out of their fucking minds.
That’s a common misconception. Doubling the wages for workers basically never causes costs to double.
This can be seen in markets where the minimum wage is 100% higher than other areas. Fast food also has a high percentage of expenses going to payroll, but a Big Mac isn’t twice as expensive in areas where the minimum wage is $15/h vs $7.50/h
Labor costs for produce accounts for up to 50% of the costs for stuff like lettuce, but it’s closer to 30% for many other staple crops.
Again, if your industry can’t survive without basically slave labor, then it doesn’t deserve to survive.
I think this is a legitimate route our medical community needs to take. Stupid people are instantly turned off by the word vaccine because of bullshit associations with the word.
Like how idiots hated Obamacare but loved the ACA.
Vaccines just need a re-brand. Something like, “Brawndo, it’s got what T-cells need!”
The measles vaccine isn’t 100% effective for everyone and can lose effectiveness as you get older.
That’s probably part of why he said this.
There has to be some critical mass where there’s just so much virus the immune system can’t keep up.
There are ways around that if you do it right.
Gotta give props to Keating too. It’s refreshing to see a Democrat actually push back.
Why wouldn’t they be? It’s kinda stupid to just let your enemy run a massive platform without having a presence there.
Honestly, if your industry can’t exist without exploiting some of the most vulnerable people in our society, it shouldn’t exist.
But he’s totally not a Nazi, right brainwashed cult members?
Honestly, I’d volunteer to be the first person to land on Venus. I know it’s a straight up death sentence, but what a cool way to go.
Because they know it won’t get them out of office
Lol, she doesn’t care.
This reminds me of the heavy metals in vapes studies where the news articles were freaking out, but if you looked at the actual numbers most were less than atmospheric levels.
Yes, they also want to do that.
For sure. I’d volunteer to be the first person on Venus knowing it would be a death sentence.