Thanks for this context! It’s quite easy for people outside of an area to lump a bunch of stuff together.
Thanks for this context! It’s quite easy for people outside of an area to lump a bunch of stuff together.
Didn’t hurt the Republicans every time they threatened a shutdown when the Democrats were in power. And if the Dems think they can get some concessions from the R’s by forcing the country to get hit, then it might be worth it to stop some crazy shit in the long run.
He’s been crazy for a very long time, this is nothing new. The only thing new is the amount of power he has now.
We were just having a similar discussion, though not about Enya. My position was if I had a billion dollars, you know what I would do? I’d recreate Hogwarts Castle. I’m not even a huge Harry Potter fan and hate what’s-her-name, but how cool would it be to live in a beautiful movie set house the size of a small town?
Woodinville is pretty good.
Japanese whiskeys are great, but they can get expensive. Whiskeys made in blue states are likely to be more craft-oriented and also be expensive.
Most of those are in Napa/Sonoma/Paso, which are expensive wine areas. They mostly have $75/bottle bourbons.
Those are in Portland, and they are also quite expensive compared to Jack and Woodford.
Woodinville is from WA and is pretty good. A bit more expensive than your normal bourbons, but not crazy.
What I’m not seeing from this story is whether the farmers have tried paying a higher wage to attract workers who are not at risk of being deported. Are they paying slave wages and taking advantage of a population of people who are unable to get a less physically demanding job?
Another thing I’m not seeing is any mention of how these farmers voted in the latest election. Rural Pennsylvania isn’t exactly a hotbed of liberal ideology. I wouldn’t be surprised if the same people screamed about “illegals.”
It sets up Russia for accusing Ukraine of breaking the cease fire, allowing Trump to end all sanctions on Russia, sanction Ukraine, end all support to Ukraine, and possibly aid Russia in their “counter-offensive.”
It also allows Russia time and security to safely move their troops to more strategic locations instead of being bogged down in bad positions.
Rich people can actually make money on a crashing market, especially a crash that was EXTREMELY predictable by anyone who isn’t sucking on Trump’s dick. So this will just further increase the rich/poor gap.
That’s all true, but there are many people who are planning to retire soon. There are also people who a college saving fund for their kids that is tied to the market, so now their kid’s college fund is much smaller. Depending on how much the market drops, it could really screw over a crop of kids trying to go to school in the near future with other kids their own age.
Better than ballistic dead reckoning, yes. I’m not sure whether it is better or worse than star trackers plus inertial navigation units at that time scale (INUs drift over time and need to be recalibrated every so often to fix that drift, but I really don’t know how accurate star trackers are for position since I only use them for attitude measurement).
They were only able to receive signals from the bare minimum to achieve a solution (4 GPS and 1 Galileo). Their achieved accuracy was +/- 1.5km and +/- 2m/s. That is good enough in astronomic scales to get you to a planet, but it isn’t going to help failed landings or autonomous landings.
I don’t think there was any new tech involved, just a receiver put on a moon lander to see if it could detect signals. And this won’t really do anything for Mars for two reasons: 1) the signal strength would be too small for any reasonable antenna to detect GPS L1/L5 at Mars distances, and 2) the distance would make the geometry be unusable to trilaterate a solution… think about a triangle where two lengths are 100 million miles and the third length is 100 miles. That is a completely worthless geometry for trilateration of a position solution. Even if we could somehow detect a GPS signal at Mars, best case is we get atomic clock time.
I have no idea what the solution is, but whatever the Democrats are doing right now isn’t working. I would LOVE for them to move further left AND win because of it. It would not only take the country in the right direction but would also feel less like the country is permanently fucked up. I would ACCEPT for them to move further right in order to win back control. I wouldn’t be happy, but at least we could get some sane people back in control.
This country has 100 million people who don’t care enough about anything to bother voting at all, 80 million of whom aren’t even registered to vote even though they are eligible. I can’t even imagine what it would be like to see what’s going on right now and not care about voting to fix it. There are 70 million people who are HAPPY about what Trump is doing. Our country is fucked if 170 million people are either happy or don’t care about what is happening.
There are millions of Americans who really want a non-crazy conservative to vote for. There are millions of people who just want to have a non-crazy person win an election, so their idea is that the only way the opposition to crazy Republicans to be able to win over some of those people on the right is by moving closer to them. They just want to stop losing to the crazies. There are millions who are OK with gay people but hate that the government spends too much money on everything.
America is a very conservative country, and even the Democrats are basically very conservative.
Those people who complained that the Democrats would have beat Trump if they had just moved more left have no idea how much the rest of the country doesn’t feel like them.
The weird thing with this one is that America already has a thriving wine and sparkling wine industry. $ for $ I vastly prefer CA reds over French or Italian. Now, in the higher end I will switch to preferring French or Italian, but a $20 pinot from Central Coast is way better than a $20 “Burgundy” or “Tuscan Red.” Getting into the $50 range it starts being pretty equal, and then in the $100+ range the European wines start dominating.
So a tariff won’t really help the US at all, since we already have what he says is his intended purpose.