Great advice, the site covers this.
Just to note that injections bring their own risks and require additional training.
Nasal Nalaxone doses are much higher to make them easier to administer and to ensure the Nalxone can make it though the mucus membrane.
If you give Nalaxone / Narcan to an experienced opioid user (someone with chemical dependency) Be ready to run as they could come out of it VERY mad. They are going to miserable, sick and until the Nalaxone is gone not going to be able to relieve their symptoms.
I wonder how an article in a medical journal “Treating overdose without blowing a patient’s sweet high” would go.
I am on board with ensuring doses don’t cause unnecessary discomfort… but dead from OD vs withdraw is a pretty clear choice
The goal in nasal administered drugs is to make it easy enough a moron with minimal training can be useful (I am a moron with minimal medical training)