Raccoons are not unique in that regard. Or maybe I’m a raccoon?
Raccoons are not unique in that regard. Or maybe I’m a raccoon?
My late mother-in-law’s phone had so much malware running on it that it was completely inoperable. She had poor vision, so would just tap the screen at random to try to get dialog boxes to go away. She didn’t really use ut for anything but making and receiving calls. I booted the phone in safe mode and removed basically everything from it, but it would inevitably reinstall. Eventually, I just factory reset the phone to make it usable again. Then I went through the accessibility options and increased the font size to obnoxiously large so she could read it. She really just needed a dumb phone.
As an American, I am just hoping Trump doesn’t learn any additional economic terms. I keep expecting him to try to replace our federal income tax with a VAT.
Dear Australia, please sanction the shit out of us. We deserve it. Sorry we are so terrible.
I wonder what country they’ll send the Navajo, Cherokee, Cree, Sioux, etc. too. I’m super white, so you know my family is not originally from around here.
Very pro-life of them.
I feel like someone needs to tell Justice Thomas that he can just divorce his wife before he reverses Loving v. Virginia to get rid of her.
The pulled funding ought to ne more specifically defined. Is he canceling cancer research? 100% chance he is canceling at least something worthwhile.
You mean he got lucky and didn’t receive conflicting orders like "keep your hands up and lay on the ground. " Your only option is to face plant, but the fast movement of doing that will scare the officers too.
Surprise is what helped make the Great Galveston Hurricane so deadly. Prior to the hurricane, Galveston was the largest city in Texas. It never recovered that status.
It’s me. I write software and complain to the hardware team when I don’t have leds to blink for diagnostic purposes.
Where are the prosecutors?