Reddit already heavily censors anything pro-Palestinian.
Reddit already heavily censors anything pro-Palestinian.
I don’t know any Vietnamese, but I suspect it would be as awkward of an answer as “not no” in English.
I think that the best way to learn programming techniques is to actually do projects and make mistakes. It is one thing to understand a design pattern in theory, and another thing to be able to use that design patterns to solve real problems. Once you get deep enough into a specialty, then look for well-regarded talks and conferences in your niche.
We’ve been here for a few years, but we’re grateful to have new people!
Maybe the search engines should start crawling and indexing discord
Detecting a hallucination programmatically is the hard part. What is truth? Given an arbitrary sentence, how does one accurately measure the truthfulness of it? What about the edge cases, like a statement that is itself true but misrepresents something? Or what if a statement is correct in a specific context, but generally incorrect?
I’m an AI optimist but I don’t see hallucinations being solved completely as long as LLMs are statistical models of languages, but we’ll probably have a set of heuristics and techniques that can catch 90% of them.