Probably around middle school judging by his attitude and behavior. He hasn’t matured emotionally or intellectually since then.
I’m sure there are some that are happy but you never hear about them. A secure, well-adjusted individual with boat-loads of money doesn’t need to stir shit up. They can relax.
The insecure, maladjusted individuals will constantly be defending themselves against perceived threats despite having the means to offload all of that to paid professionals.
You ok? It’s never too late to start eating right. It will make you fell better now and definitely in the future.
You know what kind of people lack empathy? Psychopaths. Narcissists. You know, assholes.
Yeah, there’s no evidence that this is because of tariffs. Companies don’t make big moves like this after only a week of changes.
Importing fresh eggs is probably a non-starter, anyway. Look around your country at the price of eggs, it varies a lot even at large scales. Eggs don’t ship that well.
But throwing money at basic science research could, actually, solve the problem. Eradicate bird flu and the prices will drop. But you’d need a pro-science administration to do that.
And what are you doing?
With “Gnome Sweet Gnome” on it.
Then we start calling Rubio Gnome of State and variations. Just mock him mercilessly.