Head to Mexico and the Caribbean!
Head to Mexico and the Caribbean!
I’d suggest that, if there’s a topic over on reddit that has topics you’re interested in, try starting a thread over here on that topic, even if the community here is “dead”. Because “dead” communities can be resurrected, they just need activity. Asking a question on a topic is activity; posting an answer to the question (even if it’s your own question and you had to go to reddit for the answer) is activity and provides a resource here for other people to use. And if it’s something you found out on your own but it’s not new, try posting a YSK or TIL in the appropriate local community. You may not get replies, but we’re not going to become a fully viable alternative unless people contribute little bits where they can.
Link to thread?
Ugh, fixed. It was supposed to be 140 - thanks!
Texas has been extremely proud of their rugged individualism and independence. They actively work at handicapping their government at all levels: they hate the feds; their state legislature meets for 140 days every two years; and they actively restrict the ability of more-local governments to respond to health crises.
On the public health front, they underfund public health and health infrastructure; they’ve actively refused Medicaid expansion; they banned mask and vaccine mandates during covid; and they have extremely easy childhood vaccine exemptions. On the provider front, they have an almost complete abortion ban with vague laws on ‘allowable’ abortions that they mostly refuse to clarify, that allows them to charge people with murder, and offers a bounty for turning in anyone who’s helped with an abortion, all of which has driven away providers who care about women and children’s health.
For me, it’s like the Texas ice storms: despite repeated warnings, they’ve been extremely proud of all the conditions that lead to this situation, and they’re going to actively avoid changing anything once the situation passes. You can’t fix stupid, and I’m tired of trying.
Thoughts and prayers to the victims, and what are you planning for dinner?
Why would you expect an aggregator-and-comment site bought and rebranded by reddit-cofounder O’Hanian to end up significantly different than his other aggregator-and-comment site?
The first vaccine from 57-67 wasn’t as effective and needs boosters. The second vaccine from 67-~78 was one shot and should’ve been 2. So there’s 20 years of people just finding out how they need boosters.
The headline means, “one day after the second US measles death in a decade, New Mexico reports 30 cases of the measles”.
He went through his last term with a whole bunch of ‘acting’ officials without them being approved by the Senate; he’s going to rely on that precedent here.
I’m not real thrilled that O’Hanian is one of the new owners, makes it feel creepy and unsafe.
Weren’t they chasing FEMA off with guns and stuff? And after that, didn’t they vote to gut FEMA? What did they think was going to happen?