Oh my sweet, summer child…
Oh my sweet, summer child…
It certainly does list things
I’ve heard about this other list, but there’s like 10 things on it and that’s waaay more things to remember, which I’m pretty sure makes mine superior
I mean, I wasn’t trying to use it pejoratively or anything… And while I can’t say I have any first-hand male stripper knowledge, I’m pretty sure my advice is unisex. 😋
Sure, I guess I could’ve said something about not commidifying love/affection/etc so it sounded a bit more inclusive of the broad and varied spectrum of sex workers or something, but - as they say - brevity is the soul of wit, after all.
In all seriousness, tho: I meant no offense or anything, but I definitely wasn’t going to call them ‘exotic dancers’ because I just think that’s a fucking stupid term, tbh, and I’m super prepared to die on that hill, so come at me bro
I mean there are only a few real hard and fast rules you have to follow in life (imo):
Strippers and politicians are like two sides of a coin in that one pretends to love you but is just going to fuck you and the other is a stripper.
It’s really just not that hard guys.
Ask and ye shall receive! 😋
Maybe I just come across really aggressively or something and I’m completely oblivious to it, somehow? 🤷♂️ I dunno… I feel like any time I just try to participate in whatever random conversation I stumble across that interests me on here and have the audacity to disagree even slightly with someone, it’s like they just suddenly go from 0 to absolute fucking bell end instantly.
I am genuinely trying to be as polite as possible, tried to demonstrate my willingness to acknowledge being wrong in the face of evidence if given some, and didn’t even call his mom a cunt or anything (as far asI I’m aware lol)… I mean, shit, sometimes I just like playing Devil’s advocate for the hell of it, regardless of whatever my personal feelings regarding “X topic” may be. Maybe that’s why I don’t get the whole sudden aggression when faced with even the smallest hint of dissension at all times!
It’s always the stupidest shit for me, tbh… Like yesterday there was a post of an (obviously fake) tweet from Dave Ramsey (a “Christian” ~~financial consultant/planner ~~ grifter) that said ‘fuck your 401k, go buy that truck you want now’ or something to that effect, which led to a few conversations in the comments that revolved around what was essentially the cost effectiveness of actually following the (clearly horrible) tweet’s advice.
This one dude makes a comment in which he basically says “no, that makes sense. Used car values are on a bell curve and will sell for more than what you purchased it for 30 years ago at around the same rate of return youd get from an index fund” in not so many words. Now, I’m not in financing (or cars tbh), and tbf I do a pretty heroic amount of drugs generally speaking, but I’m almost certain that that’s not how ANY of that works… lol So i made a little comment politely saying so, laying out my logic for my position, and making sure to explicitly state that I’d be more than open to being proven wrong, but I wanna see some proof, which I didnt think was too awfully crazy or anything until dude replied shortly after babbling that I just needed to look it up, and something about hilux(?); I dunno, just being kind of a prick, demanding I find his proof for him, and then complaining about me (or people on lemmy in general, maybe?) cant take jokes so seriously. Big ‘do your own research’, MAGA, ‘it WaZ A PraNK bRo’ energy.
I can link it if anyone is having SRD withdrawls or something lol
I’m gonna go out on a limb and say you can’t be half as confused as they must be… 🤣😂 I mean, maybe I’m misremembering things here, but I feel like the GOP-at-large just recently (like within the last decade?) stopped publicly referring to homosexuality/homosexuals as ‘an abomination,’ which even then kinda felt like a begrudgingly made concession of necessity at best… No?
I’m not gonna lie, I’m more than a little shocked at this point everytime Trump mentions someone being “BL-A-ack.” I keep waiting for him to shift into full Dementia Don mode and just drop some hard Rs
I’m not happy about it or anything, but at least in this scenario it becomes entirely feasible for all of these fascist clowns to (technically anyway) choke to death on cock, so I’m understandably conflicted
Oh, absolutely dude… People on here are absolutely the thinnest skinned I think I’ve ever seen on the internet, bar none. And they all seem to want to start shit over something and then act astonished and run to mods for help if they get any sort of response in kind.
Hey, here’s a thought: If you wanna talk shit to people, you probably shouldn’t be shocked if you get it right back… And if you have to then go get a mod because you’re now butthurt over a fight you picked? What, was your mom busy or something? 🤣😂 Cuz that’s the exact energy I get from that
He did it.
The crazy son of a bitch did it.
“Honestly, though, is it my fault that they did what I told them to do, or theirs for doing it?”
It would seem fitting for a wannabe Nazi to trot out an inversion of the old “just following orders” Nuremberg defense, don’t you think?
I wonder, does Elon not realize that mentally ill, cognitively deficient, dark haired South Africans (let alone ones with what can only be described as ‘likely deeply compensatory for something’ levels of wealth) wouldn’t have been doing much in the way of fraternizing with anyone Aryan outside of their camp stays?
I didn’t expect…
Good news everyone!
I’ve developed a nearly foolproof method for preventing anyone else from sharing this fuckin sucker’s experience, and will share it here - free of charge - today only!
It’s simple. All you have to do is ask yourself a single question: Does X effect Trump’s Y?
Replace X with the issue or item you’re concerned with.
Then replace Y with one of the following: health | self-image | bank account | stock market
If your answer is ‘No,’ congratulations, you now know that Trump will indeed NOT give a single fuck about your problem. Also, it’s probably some sort of peasant issue anyway.
If your answer is ‘Yes,’ you’re likely still fucked somehow! 😁
Well not with that attitude, anyway