I make linoleum cut prints!
I make linoleum cut prints!
*bare hands
Unless you’re saying the state gives the victims cool animal grafts
So you admit that those cultural aspects are actually there. Which are failed when they are used to support the ruling class.
Which was my point.
I’m talking about the shared cultural values of the society we have today, views shared by most Americans. Most Americans like free speech. Most Americans like liberty. Et cetera and so on. These are things that are part of our culture. You aren’t any less of a person for recognizing that these are values that are held by this culture.
I am also saying that despite culturally sharing in these values, our society also fails to actually support them in very big ways.
Nah man, Americans have values. Freedom, perseverance, independence, self expression. It’s just that we have utterly failed to uphold those values in our actions. Even in the beginning, talking about slavery being terrible but still allowing it for political reasons right at the founding.
Nah, I liked how I phrased it. We’ve been failing to uphold our ideals since the beginning, even Thomas Jefferson was a hypocrite who hated slavery but sure as hell did a lot of it.
I feel like it’s unamerican in regards to the values our country espouses, even though it completely and utterly fails to uphold them.
The getaway might not have been as meticulous as the plan leading up to the getaway.
His getaway sure was and dropping a bag off that had monopoly money seems more well thought out than “have gun and no change clothes”
Why would someone this meticulous keep the gun that’s could have been ditched? Write out a memefesto like two hours before being caught? Wear the same clothes that could’ve also been directed or burned? This feels like a patsy.
Can we get a ruling on words that are ambiguously swear words like “piss”?
Thank you.