this congress? the majority is drunk on the maga juice, the minority is a disorganized mess still in shock. and combined, the vast majority is bought and paid for by those who stand to gain the most from this shitshow.
this congress? the majority is drunk on the maga juice, the minority is a disorganized mess still in shock. and combined, the vast majority is bought and paid for by those who stand to gain the most from this shitshow.
that would be funny, won’t happen–but funny af. google loses chrome, new owners revert mv2’s removal and go all-in on user control of their browser experience.
so, he’s gonna put a 10-15% tariff on all imports? everything?
that would do just one thing, get every other country trading ONLY with each other—and NOT the u.s.
i expect at least the ‘big’ ‘non megacorp’ chromium based ones like vivaldi, opera, brave to keep mv2 as long as it is possible.
but i can totally see google doing some serious mangling of the codebase to make patching-in mv2 difficult.
i was able to load it in a (not chrome) chromium-based browser without issue, just the notice across the addon’s page.
the ‘lite’ version is also on there, seems to work ‘ok’. adguard and a few others are also there–they must all be mv3, as only the full ubo has the warning notice on its page of those i checked.
all the mv3 ones run the risk of having updates rejected or delayed by google, especially if they contain code or filter updates (filters must be packed with the addon in mv3) to combat changes google makes to their own sites. firefox or a trusted customized build or maintained fork is the way to go now.
welcome to the world you voted for. this little detour accompanied by some humiliation, light petting and bondage, may not be your only one. enjoy!
they said, ‘Can you imagine? I’m [you’re] not going to be president. And that’s too bad.’ And what happened is, they rigged the election, and I became president. So that was a good thing, that was a good thing, that was quite an achievement for both of us. So I’ll be president during the World Cup.
absolutely referring to 2024 here. no doubt whatsoever.
It was sold by Amazon itself rather than a third-party seller, which is often the case with these sorts of fake items.
The fact that the packaging was sealed and the CPU was unused suggests that this was not one of those instances in which someone bought an item and replaced it with a fake before sending it back for a refund.
co-mingled inventory strikes again.
a maga cult ‘yes man’ who could still see that planes are affected by gravity is not one of them.
and where the fuck are they gonna find ‘genius’ MIT grads to work at atc? during this shitshow?
That’s because he and his kind believe government is useless and can just be broken without losing anything important.
kinda like racks of servers that keep a social media site used by 100s of millions of users? the ones muskrat just yanked willy-nilly out of a data center and loaded onto uhauls? it took weeks for twitter to repair that damage.
if ever. i was figuring on ‘decades’ to recover from the first term.
less than two months in, and ‘round 2’ is already infinitely worse and has been for weeks.
it appears the only thing that muskrat is lowering during his tenure in government ‘service’ is his own net worth.
the only day krasnov attended that class they were covering the topic “only hire people dumber than you are–even if you’re a big fat dummy yourself”.
he’s mainly pissed because zelenskyy has already had tea with the king.
there are a few old school, russia-hating republicans still left in congress. they just also hate a few other things closer-to-home a bit more to actually do something about the track the administration is sending us down.
most those ‘red’ states are burdens on the federal wallet, too… receiving far more per capita from the feds than they contribute.
The high Canadian tariffs on American dairy products outside of the USMCA quota…
the usmca?
the very same usmca that has the moron-in-chief’s name scribbled in sharpie at the bottom of?
the very same usmca that is (in the moron’s own words) ‘the best and most important trade deal ever made’?
they’re “reliable enough” for their intended purpose here: fire people who aren’t “in line”.
it’s a two minute movie. doesn’t even get through the opening titles before autopilot crashes and kills the occupants.