Especially for gaming. My old Nokia N81 kicked this rectangular piece of glass’s ass when it comes to gaming because I could actually comfortably play games that weren’t turn based and didn’t need to slap an overlay onto the screen.
I am not a number.
Especially for gaming. My old Nokia N81 kicked this rectangular piece of glass’s ass when it comes to gaming because I could actually comfortably play games that weren’t turn based and didn’t need to slap an overlay onto the screen.
Well yeah. Stolen from Lemmy from someone that stole it from Luke McGarry. Or more likely stolen a dozen times before it ended up on my phone lol.
Pretty sure I stole this one from here on Lemmy.
Yeah there’s no good reason for a limit. Having no character limit doesn’t stop people from making short posts if they want. If they don’t want long posts taking up half the page, then they should just hide the rest of the text behind a ‘see more’ prompt once it goes over 300 characters.
On a platform like Bluesky I can kinda understand if they limited replies to posts to 300 characters, so that people don’t get walls of text in their inboxes but the original top post should be unlimited IMO.
Haha thanks! I’ve been lurking a fair amount. Just a little more distracted currently.
“Dear Republicans. When I voted to have people’s rights stripped away and their lives ruined, I didn’t think it included me!”
Eat shit, asshole.
Having not been using this place as regularly for the last couple of weeks, it definitely looks like there’s more upvotes on posts now in general compared to when I started up here about two months ago. Even just before this latest Reddit fuck up, it looks a lot to me like there’s been a steady influx lately. Like suddenly noticing that the grass has got longer.
Yeah it’s nice to be able to import your list of subscriptions at least. But for comment history, I guess it depends what you’re getting out of a place like this. On Reddit, I liked going back sometimes and seeing what I was posting a couple of years ago. Especially if it’s personal shit, or even old review posts for movies or whatever. I like having a stable online presence or identity with a history to refer to.
[Removed by Reddit]
Been a minute since I’ve seen that. And that’s actually one huge advantage of the Fediverse. There can’t be a [Removed by Lemmy] because ‘Lemmy’ is a federation of servers with their own rules and regulations and aren’t even all based in the USA. And if any server starts these shenanigans, you can just move to another.
Although I do wish that profiles and comment history could be preserved from one server to another. That’s basically the last piece of the puzzle that would give the user a completely a completely free experience.
so many users continue to shill for such decisions
I think that something that a lot of people need to be reminded of here, especially ex Reddit moderators, is that the users have NEVER particularly been fans of the moderators. In fact the moderators on Reddit helped the admins bring Reddit to the point where it is now in the first place. Setting up automoderator to catch buzzwords out of context and make people’s comments disappear without notice or a trace is just as fucking dodgy as the admins flagging the word “Luigi”.
So no, it’s not a surprise that moderators getting into trouble for not falling in line with the admins doesn’t cause a mass exodus. Because most people don’t give a fuck about the moderators and would be glad to see them gone. With the way they have been abusing automoderator over the years, it wouldn’t make much of a difference if they were replaced by an automated system anyway.
So if you want people to come to Lemmy, stop acting like they give a shit about the moderator that treats them like dirt. Because that’ll probably have the opposite effect. I know that it did on me when all the mods were crying about the API and their modding tools. Start offering more reasons for why USERS should come here.
Could be one of those that I saw this morning, I guess. In world. It was a ‘reasonable’ post complaining about Trump. I just block them as I see them now tbh. Even the_donald started as satire.
And now they’re apparently starting to set up shop on Lemmy too. Before I blocked it, I saw they’re on their best behaviour too. But mark my words, once the dating and flirting period is over, their shoes are going to come off and their feet are going to be up on the table.
I would’ve hoped that by now everyone would’ve learnt their lesson to never trust or listen to these people again. They flat out lie when they’re talking about things like ‘freedom’ and once they’re in power, they serve themselves and fuck over everyone else in society. And their leaders, that they don’t mind associating with and supporting are a bunch of inbred kiddie fiddlers and have been since long before Trump. And yet here we are again, letting them have a seat at the table.
These people cannot be fucking trusted. And I’m willing to bet that they’re going to be a source of a lot of downvote trolling too, in queer communities and women-centric communities.
Damn, that definitely looks very cool. Probably expensive too lol. But exactly what these touchscreen phones need.