不, 你不明白。如果某件事有效,那它一定是坏事。_哈哈哈哈 《开玩笑啦》
id start a nuclear war for a dorito
不, 你不明白。如果某件事有效,那它一定是坏事。_哈哈哈哈 《开玩笑啦》
“We should emulate the imperialist welfare state not discredit it!” 我不喜欢你鬼。 《 。…… 。》
I live in the USA and its so bad i just cant interact with most people. They are basically entirely vibes based. They dont research anything if they hear a new claim they decide if its true based on if they feel like its true. You can literally show them evidence and most will be like “nah thats bs”. I made a comment on 小红书 recently about how 54% of americans read below a 6th grade level and my replies are FULL of americans saying “uh i can read” … can you really?
I think the funniest part about that spam message is they didnt even try to do a good picture. Like it looks like a screenshot of someone in a early morning zoom meeting about to fall asleep. If your gonna try and catfish why wouldnt you choose a better photo??
“Gramsci shows that one of the main historical concerns of the Catholic Church has been to control the reading and the diffusion of Christianity, blocking the rise and spread of popular, autonomous and base level interpretations and thereby saving the purity of the historic doctrine. […] Many Marxists act the same way. Their biggest worry is the purity of the doctrine. Every time that historical facts challenge the doctrine or show the complexity of the practical operationality of elements of the theory, they deny that these elements are part of the story of Marxist theory and doctrine. This is, for example, what doctrines of betrayal are built on. Every movement that appears to stray a bit from these ‘pure’ models that were created a priori is explained through the concept of betrayal, or is explained as ‘state capitalism.’ Therefore, nothing is socialism and everything is state capitalism. Nothing is socialist transition and everything is state capitalism.” – Jones Manoel, Western Marxism, the fetish for defeat, and Christian culture