Basically the Russian party, every one of them funded by Russians.
Basically the Russian party, every one of them funded by Russians.
I remember there was a time after Musk took over that they changed the API so that only logged in users could access it. That broke all of their widgets on third-party websites, which Twitter neglected to update. The widgets phoned home every few seconds, which DDOSed themselves with their own widgets.
Just think, if you had bought $1000 of Reddit stock a month ago, you’d now have $500. That’s pure (negative) profit, bay-bee!
Seasons 2 through 4 of Babylon 5, especially that 4th season.
That’s the entire Russian strategy: Make other countries more miserable to make Russia seem better by comparison.
Disney could build affordable housing, too, as a perk.
You can’t be drunk all day unless you start in the morning!