I mean with the recent stuff going on with them trying to deport someone for the pro-palestine protests I’m just reminded of the quote “Those who make peaceful revolution impossible will make violent revolution inevitable.”
I mean with the recent stuff going on with them trying to deport someone for the pro-palestine protests I’m just reminded of the quote “Those who make peaceful revolution impossible will make violent revolution inevitable.”
I think if anything the swing of Gen Z voters shows clearly that his economic recovery clearly wasn’t helping everyone. Those with the least amount of money and no job experience entering the work force found a terrible job market that either was barely hiring or was only hiring people who already had experience. Combine that with high prices and the increased presence of AI in the hiring process and it makes sense Gen Z were upset about the status quo. A lot of people argue that it was the podcasts that made Gen z swing right but if anything I think that just connected Gen z with a message of tearing down the system that they were looking for. But anyways my point is that sure America’s recovery was good for people with wealth or companies but for those either entering the workforce for the first time or those without money saved up and good jobs already there really wasn’t much of a recovery.
I mean I’m pretty sure a bit ago I saw something that leaked from a meeting of Dems about strategy going forward where they were talking about trying to shift more to the right by presenting themselves as more patriotic and pushing for more focus on larger donors rather than lots of small donors which is basically just doubling down on what they just tried. I still have some hope that maybe people get so fed up a Bernie like candidate can win despite major push back from donors and the establishment of the party and shape the party to be more progressive rather than allowing the party apparatus and donors to shape them to be less progressive but if that did happen it would be a bigger upset then what happened with Trump winning and shaping the Republican party into his personal Maga party.
It’s not really competition anymore though, since they often use SpaceX rockets for what they do now.