The wiki trail of “most killed until xxx” just kept going and going.
The wiki trail of “most killed until xxx” just kept going and going.
Escape from New York.
I’ll trust 3 idiots with guns over whoever is mixing that cocktail. Won’t drown in my own fluids while being unable to yell out.
Idiots with guns are what made this nation! Lol
Read enough about lethal injection and I might take the bullets too. I mean given a choice.
Crazy to read it 2025 regardless.
Found this while reading “In reference to this issue, Jay Chapman, the creator of the American method, said, “It never occurred to me when we set this up that we’d have complete idiots administering the drugs””
Dayum. Whole thing is bizarre. Dead dog in the cubbard. Wonder if once she died he had uninhibited alzeimers brain.
Just reality being weird
Go away Hillary 2 electric boogaloo
When get one of those long ass side boogies it feels like removing a nail from your foot.
Needing to post your life so much, including when you get your comeuppance?
This is the narcissism of the “master race”
Lol get fucked
Who has the least ethical job at Lockheed?
My money is on the salesman, “this bad boy can kill so many children”
3d tvs is my favorite analogy. Easiest way to illustrate the bubble of hype.