“The future ain’t what it used to be.”

-Yogi Berra

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Joined 2 years ago
Cake day: July 29th, 2023


  • Shush child. You are reason we got Trump. And maybe if the volume to get Biden to step down had been louder, earlier, we could have removed him in enough time to have a real primary and get a decent candidate. Instead, those voices were silenced, until it was so fucking obvious that even the most vapid among us, yourself included, could see the writing on the walls.

    The silencing of the criticism of Biden led directly to Trump winning. You were in some small way responsible for that. You should develop a permanent sense of shame for that.

  • “Did I mention I was a mayor of a small college town? Once. I was just using it to go for state office, and once the people realized that i was only helicoptering in to use them as a stepping stool, they gave me the boot. That was sufficient qualification for the DNC to elevate me to their national platform during the 2020 primary, because, you know, we needed to split the NPR/ liberal democrat vote off the progressives. Don’t worry. I dropped out just in time to hand Biden the bag. I’ll always cave towards the institution, never the people.”

    Michiganers need Buttigieg like they need a hole in their bucket. Fuck, Eminem has done way more to create a visible resistance towards Trump, hate, and authoritarianism than Buttigieg has. Fuck these helicopter candidates.

  • My partner and I have hosted many many people through our home(s) in various states of flourishing or floundering. We recently had one of our best friends commit suicide, after they came to stay with us from having a previous attempt. That was january(link). I wish we could have done so much more. We also caught the falling knives of spousal abuse, homelessness, extreme PTSD (like relationship ending bad, from their time in Iraq).

    We’ve made it known to some of our circles that if need be, that we will shelter them with no questions asked, even if that means breaking the law. This includes lgbt+, greencard and other visa holders, including certain middle eastern identities that are being particularly targeted at the moment, and especially them because we know they are going to be directly targeted. We’ll probably become targeted ourselves, primarily because of our roles in science and politics, but eh. Can’t be helped.

    We don’t have a choice other than to be better people than we were raised by this society to be in this moment. We had the grace of time to prepare for this moment and we gave the reigns to feckless and worthless tenders. We’re all suffering the failure of that moment, the moment where the American people needed to demand better from their political estate and chose not to.

    But here we are. Ours is not to question why, ours is but to do or die.

  • Too many cooks: Handwringing. Whataboutism.

    The authors misunderstand how to think of the (and even) elements of the fediverse. It’s still taking a competitive view/ worldview/ framing, and when that’s all you understand, sure. But the right way to understand the fediverse is as protocols, like email, and each branch as a flavor of email, or some other misguided metaphor. And it’s it’s only a problem when infinite growth or exp. scaling is your goal. However if neither of those things are your goal, it’s more of an annoyance.

    Commercial capture: More handwringing. Misidentification.

    Meta took a crack at capture. It didn’t seem to have worked. The fediverse is populated by the leavers, not the takers. The Internet happens at the edge and the normies are always just catching up a few years too late. The point of the fediverse is that it’s a extraordinarly easy to vote with your feet. If the fediverse can fall victim to a 51% attack, fine, well just leave and do it again.

    Guilty by association: Again, more handwringing. Also, we should do that.

    Federated p2p file sharing e2e file sharing for unsavory bits that governments and corporations don’t want you to have sounds like a great idea.

    It’s in the CIA field manual, that when you want to destroy an organization from within, urge caution, and question every unfounded problem.