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Joined 2 years ago
Cake day: July 1st, 2023


  • Yeah… Because Trump has such a good track record of maintaining nuclear deals. This is just a pretense to allow Israel to invade Iran once they’ve finished their genocide in Gaza.

    The whole reason Israel felt comfortable enough to commit to purging Gaza is because Trump ended the original nuclear deal to begin with. Now that Benni feels things are wrapping up in Palestine, he’s going to need another war to keep Israel’s bloodlust going and keep his coalition together.

    International law no longer holds any water. Every world power seems hell bent on making geopolitics revolve around hard power. The US backs out of treaties every four years, the Russians haven’t ever made a deal they didn’t pretend never happened, and China is out there pretending a vast swath of the Pacific is there’s because of reasons…

    In a time where a level of global cooperation is needed greater than ever before to prevent climate change, we as a species are shitting the bed harder than ever before.

  • Sorry, I’m not nationalist enough for this discussion

    Lol, you don’t believe in sovereignty, the right to self rule, or even in a group of people being able to defend against a group of people that you proclaimed to be fascist?

    Sounds like you just like fascist.

    the abstraction that Ukraine is “defending itself”

    What exactly is abstract about people taking up arms to defend their families and loved ones?

    The Ukrainian state is forcing it’s male population to die for national interest.

    Or maybe a people are defending themselves against a fascist invasion? I don’t think the people of Ukraine really have a high opinion of their own government or the US in general, but they seem to be willing to fight against fascist.

    Like I said, if they were being forced en masse to fight against their will they would just be surrendering. You are once again repeating Russian propaganda.

    sovereign nations doesn’t sound much like “no war but class war” to me.

    Sovereignty in the face of imperialist attempting to subjegate a people isn’t class war? Again, are you really that stupid?

    If so what would be your problem with NATO actually invading Russia?

    When have I been “regurgitating pro Russian media”? Simply because I don’t buy NATO’s narrative about being a “defensive organization”?

    Lol, right there… The idea that NATO is some diabolical decades long plan to destroy Russia is ridiculous considering that Russia was part of a NATO joint council and wanted to join up until the late 2000s.

    Russia only started spreading that idea when post Soviet states started to join because Russia was funding civil strife in those nations, notably Georgia. Until Russia started funding breakaway territories in their neighbors country’s NATO was nothing but a forum for the US to sell their arms.

    You are obviously not arguing in good faith, or are just incredibly stupid. Judging by your other post, it’s looking like you’re just an accelerationist …so incredibly stupid it is.

  • Sorry, but as soon as you start blaming one imperialist more that the other, you’re pack, playing the imperialists’ games.

    You are doing the same by capitulating to a fascist invasion without regard to the people being invaded…

    Is Putin a horrible fascist? Yes.

    But apparently not horrible enough to validate self defense?

    Am I trusting the media that Ukraine wants to be a liberal paradise where everyone is free to do and say what they want

    What the media says is irrelevant to the nature of the conflict. A sovereign nation is defending itself versus a fascist invasion.

    long as they win this proxy war of Europe/the US? Nope.

    Ahh, so Ukrainians have no autonomy or right to fight against an invasion? If Ukrainians were solely puppets of the US and Western Europe they wouldn’t be willing to lay their lives down for their country, nor could they have ever defended themselves against such a larger and more well equipped foe. They would have fallen to the initial invasion, just as Russia initially thought was going to happen.

    The cognitive dissonance required to attack “the media” while regurgitating pro Russian media is astounding. I really wonder if you are purposely being obtuse for propaganda purposes, or if you are just such a contrarian you actually believe the nonsense that you amplify.

  • Eh… Just because I recognize class war when I see it doesn’t mean I don’t support Ukraine’s right to independence.

    It was the Russian oligarchs who started the war and should receive the lion’s share of blame for the deaths of both Ukrainian and Russian civilians. Russia is clearly a more hierarchical and violent government than just about any nation in the world, and I won’t strip away the Ukrainian people’s autonomy and right to choose the future they will.

  • There ain’t no war but class war. The reason America and other democracies around the world are failing to stand up to Russia is because the oligarchs of those democracies are jealous of Russian oligarchs.

    Being a billionaire in Russia grants you the power and resources of the state. You can openly murder members of the press, forever imprison the political opposition, bury activists, and crush your workers for trying to unionize. And all you have to do is kiss one ring, that’s it.

    Then you can continue destroying the country and turning it into a machine that kills the poor, while you sip on your drink on a beach in Thailand.

    I don’t think Putin owns Trump because he’s been compromised in some way, he and other rich people just like the way Putin runs things. So long as you’re loyal you get to do whatever you want.