Systems seek balance. America’s, and the world’s, economic and power systems are weighted to the wealthy. This is untenable and will rebalance, either chaotically or calmly.
Systems seek balance. America’s, and the world’s, economic and power systems are weighted to the wealthy. This is untenable and will rebalance, either chaotically or calmly.
While this may be true, and it may be comforting, it takes away the complicity of the state and the corporate interests that enable it. It portrays Trump as a rogue actor, separate from other structures. If I know it, and you know it, then the corporate boards and think tanks know it. It’s difficult to absorb, but the intelligencia in America is at the very least okay with what he is doing.
Ferengi Rules of Acquisition #45:
Profit has limits. Loss has none
Disappointed there was no Paul Manaforte reference.
I just posted a video from a cultural psychologist that talks about this. It’s exactly what you think it is, the hyper-individualism that capitalism cultivates that causes this mentality.