If you plan on leaving anything to anyone else after you die, that’s a good way to screw that up. If you’re completely alone with nobody claiming anything of yours, go for it.
If you plan on leaving anything to anyone else after you die, that’s a good way to screw that up. If you’re completely alone with nobody claiming anything of yours, go for it.
At 14, me and most of my peers could navigate a file system on DOS, format floppies, install games from setup disks, and edit autoexec.bat files.
Yes, there is a huge difference between the teens of today and the teens of 25 years ago. Technological illiteracy is real thanks to the iPhone era and UIs becoming stupid simple to use.
The “iPad kids” meme didn’t originate from thin air.
I think you still fucked up. AI about to pop too.
Must be your instance. I can see it fine from kbin.melroy.org, which also uses the mbin software.
There’s always one in every thread about this…you cannot expect 300-something million people to suddenly be able to adopt your special snowflake diet. It’s cool that you have. And some may be able to switch. But this is not a viable solution at this time for the majority of the population.
They can’t be fucking serious.
May my first website be forever under construction.
If I dared to suggest we prioritize reducing the disparity in wealth over fighting a culture war
Are you incapable of breathing and chewing bubble gum at the same time? Why not both?
Nobody wants your fucking loyalty. They want you to wake the fuck up and get it through your skull that we’re all in this shithole together, and you need to start lending a hand instead of stomping on other’s backs to get yours. Because one day, you might need the rest of us to come save you too.
Starship is still very much an unmanned prototype with major issues to work out. Falcon 9 and the Dragon capsule are proven, reliable tech. I’d rather be on that than Boeing’s piece of garbage. That’s who stranded them there.
It’s okay to separate the achievements of SpaceX from the Nazi fuckstick who owns it. The engineers there are brilliant, despite their boss.