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Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: January 22nd, 2024


  • We can see how we can benefit from it, once most of the value it produces no longer ends in the owner class’es pocket.

    Yup, indeed. Remember when social media was celebrated as what enabled bottom up revolution in the Middle East 1 ? Well, a lot of people forgot about that, since big brained profiteers realised they can commercial people’s personal data and sell them to entities that will weaponise the innate dark insecurities of the people to influence public policies.

    1 I am aware that the Arab Spring largely failed, but so did the Revolutions of 1848. In spite of failures, I believe that the ideas have been planted and will be nurtured for future generations to reap. Even though the liberal revolutions failed in Europe, the liberal values they tried to champion are now in place in Europe. I believe the same will happen in the Middle East but it will take generations to materialise.

    Edit: formatting

  • She was one of the most influential political theorists of the twentieth century.

    I am going on tangent and say that her seminal and widely praised book, “Eichmann in Jerusalem: The Banality of Evil” is one of the most boring books I have ever read. I was expecting a more philosophical discussion and more focused about Eichmann, but it turned out to be more like an objective journalism, or even a bureaucratic administrative report that would make you sleep. So many jargons and names it is hard to keep up. The little bureaucratic details unfortunately bores me. I had to skip to the end where it finally talked about banality of evil. I appreciate that the book gave insight into the logistics and intricacies of the Holocaust, but sorry if I want to read a history book, I would buy one. I was expecting a more abstract and philosophical discussion about the nature of evil.

  • Where is the love for Chrisjen Avasarala? The UN General Secretary Queen of the Earth from The Expanse lore? The Space Iron Lady!

    I admire her more than other traditional depiction of bad ass action stars who are either a man or a woman. I realised I admire mental acuity more than raw strength. Avasarala is Machiavellian but a pragmatist, and ready to get her hands dirty if needs be in spite of her privileged upbringing. Her main drawbacks though is that she is too willing to get her hands dirty, especially at the first episode when she personally oversaw the torture of a Belter in a blacksite. She was also willing to use her family image to gain political sympathy. But one could argue it’s for the greater good, not that I am excusing both of her egregious and questionable actions. As I said, she is a pragmatist after all and looks at the bigger picture and have long term scope. She was right about slowly colonising the New Worlds. Avasarala is an anti-hero but she’s right in more ways than none.