For me the interest in American society comes from the feeling that America is the center of the earth. Not only is 99% of the content that I consume as a gen-z from America but I also grew up being told America is the best and most powerful country in the world.
America feels like the core of our Western society but the fact that it’s still an entire ocean away I think is what makes many people curious about it more than other countries cause it’s such a big deal and influence but we can’t quite reach or control it which upsets some people cause they don’t agree on certain things with the US but can’t control it (hope that makes somewhat sense).
I think it’s very important to face the issue and not be blind about it. But it should be faced by acknowledging “we separate people based on their skin shade and we should give efforts to stop doing that”.
Because I think it’s pretty much self-explanatory that separation on purely ethnicity/looks is not constructive where people are artificially treated as if they were different even though they’re not. I think the damage clearly outweighs here.
Justifying racism by saying ‘this is what we always did and it worked like that’ is not the right way forward imo as we can’t be stuck in the past and make the same mistakes that could be successfully improved.
Of course this can’t be changed overnight but I think it’s important to start somewhere as I think no one wants to live in such unfair system like this. I haven’t said other countries aren’t affected by this but at least here in Germany it feels like it’s not being done to the extent like in America based on any purely ethnicity difference like skin, eye or hair appearance.