It’s pretty antisemetic to see any group including Jews as a monolith, especially when Jews disproportionally attend pro Palestinan ralleys and are being arrested while pro Israeli ones are dominated by American evangelicals, far right, and Israelis
It’s pretty antisemetic to see any group including Jews as a monolith, especially when Jews disproportionally attend pro Palestinan ralleys and are being arrested while pro Israeli ones are dominated by American evangelicals, far right, and Israelis
You mean online losers? Me included aren’t those being bombed in gaza and the west bank. Palestinan are kinder than Palestinan supporters but also justifying a genocide because of what a Lemmy user said is fucking mental
So protesting is terrorism but far right dweebs walking the street saying “Jews will not replace us” isn’t? Jesus, America needs a horrific civil war already
The boy slowly moves his head closer to the Dalai Lama’s but appears only to touch his forehead before withdrawing.
First nuance of what you insisted happened that it… Didn’t actually happen
In Tibet, sticking out one’s tongue is known as a traditional greeting, stemming from a 9th-century myth about an unpopular king with a black tongue.
Second nuance that its ABSOLUTELY a pedophilic thing to do… It wasn’t and again, it didn’t happen.
From the same article you just linked. You really aren’t proving your case well and instead flalling and getting emotional. You need to touch some grass and maybe read the articles or up on whatever you’re blathering about?
I can’t be bothered finding any more articles, but I’m looking at how the thread is going and its not currently in your favour, let’s stop it here
You’re far too kind my friends, I’m glad I can be of any help and I truly believe in the importance of sharing knowledge, I hope you found it interesting and you need any good books or recommendations, DM me!
I wish you all the best my friend, I also hope you are happy and well 😁
P.s you are the most wholesome person I’ve talked to online Reddit/Lemmy in years
You sure this is the hill you want to die on? Defending a religious leader who has already admitted to pedophilic behavior?
Buddy it seems like between the two of us. You’re the one out of sources. You’re really digging into this one thing. Is that all you have and yet have the gall to talk about a hill to die on?
I’m not defending the dali liama, but i am saying you lack any Nuance or any knowledge on the topic and this conversation is proof of that.
Would it be minor if it was your child? It’s absolutely atrocious, and unacceptable no matter where you reside on the planet.
Not everybody on earth acts like a European/American. Believe it or not, not every culture Is as sex obsessed. You can be hugged and kissed by people you share absolutely no blood to in many Asian cultures (coming from an Asian) and the nuances are long and varied, longer than I can be bothered to write but it you had any willingness to learn, you would and could, but that’s asking too much.
So I ask again, you say pedophilic behaviour, a pedo is someone who is sexually attracted to kids. I’ll ask again, did the Dali liama fuck a child or say publically he wants to fuck children? Even on Lemmy it seems critical debate is a dying breed
Worse than systematic rape within the Catholic church? No offence but I remember this situation and is this all you have? I follow the law of atleast three instances before thinking about patterns (unless the previous 2 are atrocious) this wasn’t atrocious, this is silly and weird but also this is fucking Tibet not london. White ignorant ass making wild assumptions over seemingly minor stuff
Worse then raping children and a “god given” mandate to colonize and exploit the world? Just saying that most religions are like this
Accepted and no issues my friend, at the end of the day, it’s all about learning and further improving ones knowledge. In an age of misinformation and buzzwords, we should try our best to learn.
Look I’m pro Pali so this isn’t me coming from a political but rather a historical view. First and foremost. Judaism was a religion passed by language for generations before being written down, think how insane a game of Chinese whispers like that would go? Theyre book is pretty barbaric in the amolek stuff but actual physical data goes against any proof of any genocide or walls of Jericho falling down.
I am dissing Israelis tho, judaism was hijacked by a bunch of upper class elitist Ashkenazi Jews who weren’t being accepted into white bourgeoisie society so they wanted their own ethnostate with a little inspiration from European colonisation. Even Hebrew was a dead language being “revived” by Frankensteining modern and old Arabic into the new Hebrew language.
You are right, no proof on jesus or even abraham, and mohammed having any sort of connection to either of those two beings seems laughable (as an ex Muslim). It’s all an absolute joke but you look through Judaism entire history before 1850, they have never ever been a warrior people. Even the ethno religion is bogus since those born to Jews must do things to prove their faith as a Jew (I really respect even if that practice is both part dead part corrupted)
Christianity was also hijacked 300 years after jesus died by Constantine who all Christians have a boner for. Turned a peaceful religion into the apparatus of imperial power, more than Hellenism could have ever brought.
Of the three Abrahamic faiths only islam was a warrior religion and that mostly comes down to arabia being under the boot of that at moment two very weak and broken empires and them reaching peak empire immensely fast further cementing to the Muslim invaders this was the best path
Where’s you’re evidence of “protesters pledging allegiance to hamas” you think I forgot that brain-dead fucking claim??
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intimidating Jewish students and pledging loyalty to Hamas is.
What loony tunes world are you living in? Most baseless hasbara I’ve ever heard. Lemme guess the ICC is hamas too? Oxfam, amnesty are hamas? I could go on and on and on
You haven’t heard of greater Israel? They plan on expanding and expanding (even if the plan fundamentally is screwed now that people see through Israel)
My friend I think you are uneducated or over confident in your knowledge of Abrahamic faiths. Let me start with Judaism. How is it a warrior religion when (atleast original Judaism) until 20th century was a peaceful religion. Ironically of what you said, Christianity is the least connected to a real person or a real idea. The religion was pseudo dead for 300 years after jesus died until the Romans appropriated it and turned into an imperial religion.
This isn’t 1940 nazi Germany and pretend you didn’t know. Nor can the Israelis or massive amounts of “secular Jews” say they didn’t know or didn’t understand what they did, especially with the 70+ year concept of never again and “we are the eternal victim”
Whether it happens Tommorow or in 80 years. I will live my life to ensure the world doesn’t forget what Israel and America have done, Noe will my kids or their kids. The sun has set on the Roman (American) empire and it’s silly little colonial foothold will be dismantled. While Israel doesn’t make me hate Jewish people, I’m stating to truly believes well over 50% of the entire people’s faith are corrupted, brainwashed or straight evil.
But if the world started to hate Jews, who could literally blame them now? Israel has been the worst thing for antisemetism and has hijacked an ancient and mostly pacifist faith. All Israeli crimes are Jewish crimes, and all their genocides and crimes against humanity is specifically done in the name of the Jews.
Yeah i agree with the other dude, you’re about to get so so so much lower. The ideal bottom will be a Libyan like collapse
The most documented genocide in human history is happening in gaza and is fully funded and supported to the point of prisons and deportation in America. This “independent tribunal” never went to xinyang and are an arm of American global influence. How fucking stupid are you, you live in the most facist, evil and more imperialistic nation on earth, tens of millions unnecessarily died because of America this century. who are you to point fingers at literally any nation when your nation was born from the genocide of an entire continent!! Go read a book, Jesus Christ
The propaganda… You’re the one praising an authoritarian regime, you are the propaganda.
Ah yes, thank you fat neck bearded white man. Thank you clearing up objective propaganda since you know and only know the objective truth. You said, move to china, I said, I wanna and have been there unlike you, who watched YouTube videos for some loser coping cus someone is threatening the absolute global dominance of America even slightly.
America, Israel, American and European media, etc etc