Not just useless but actively unwelcome.
Not just useless but actively unwelcome.
What if we just, like, gave you a little part of the measles? Like whatever’s on the outside of the virus, so your immune system can just know to attack that?
If only there was some way we could train our immune systems to fight off Measles without having to actually infect ourselves with it. That way an immediate immune response could keep the disease from ever taking root to begin with! I blame those fucking scientists for not thinking of this already, they’re probably too busy making fake climate change scare articles. /s
Let me know when the meltdown reaches the point that we seal him in concrete and bury the container in a cave in the deep desert for the next thousand years.
There’s going to come a point when the things we can’t say may need to be said. A time when the message is delivered with blank comments.
[ . . . ] will carry a message of it’s own that becomes much more difficult to ban.
Shit like this makes me glad to have left that dumpster fire long ago.
You just listed things that you can pick up at any number of local stores. That stupid convenience of ordering crap instead of just adding it to the shopping list is why people think going a week without using Amazon will “disrupt the system.” This is exactly the problem.
Too fucking bad, shitstick. When the ship sinks I hope he’s chained to the fucking mast.
Do you guys really rely on Amazon so much that one week without feels like a protest? Seriously?
Now he needs to drive around in it while we all absolutely pray for the funniest thing in the world to happen.