I’ve been avoiding almonds because I think it’s crazy how much water is used for them, but now I’ve been avoiding them because of their origin. Pistachios as well.
I’ve been avoiding almonds because I think it’s crazy how much water is used for them, but now I’ve been avoiding them because of their origin. Pistachios as well.
It was about time to cancel my Amazon Prime. Let’s see what I can do about my Microsoft subscription. What else is there to do? I don’t really buy much from America, because most of what they have to offer, we do ourselves here in Europe.
Duh… it’s placed on produce, probably on onions as well 🙄
On the other side, we all know that he doesn’t give a rat’s ass about what happens to the country as long as his bank account gets swol.
My dude, what you forget to see is that this harms the EU a little, it harms the US a little. The same goes for Canada, goes for China, goes for Mexico, but it will add up for the US.
In the meantime, the allies you try so hard to alienate are teaming up and using this opportunity to form tighter bonds, leaving you behind.
(I mean the US politician, not OP)
Jesus Christ, that’ll be gruesome…
Wasn’t she the single mother raging against people deciding on single mother issues without even having a shred of knowledge on it? That was great.
Thanks for the business opportunity, Mr. Muskrat.
“Don’t be an asshole. That’s all.”
What the world needs now is less US, the world decided.
Don’t care why it’s down, but that’s good news.
He in general underperforms in the coolness department. I have no interest in his man-noodle.
Remember when Trump behaved like a dick to his mother? I bet he remembers.
He’s looking for snacks, and you know it.
It doesn’t read as if you’re arriving from Paris, but if, a train ride might be a good alternative.
It’s getting harder and harder to laugh at shit like this. I mean, it’s still funny, but it really is not.
Probably because Lindt said that they might supply Canada from Europe instead of the US.
Begun the chocolate wars have.
The military should be pure. Only rich, white men should be accepted, to make sure they don’t join for the money or perceived social status. In fact, they should be drafted for the greater good, since making America great again is the highest goal.
What do you mean, bone spurs?
Open wide, here comes the submarine.