Remember the time that they banned bots and didn’t get a new submission for like 48 hours on one of the most popular subs?
Remember the time that they banned bots and didn’t get a new submission for like 48 hours on one of the most popular subs?
This administration and modern day book burning. Name a better pair
She told me I could call her fediverse chick. I believe that’s her preferred nomenclature OP
Absolutely 100% real, and still up.
Idk, DC is weird when it comes to… Well, everything
Who can forget the great crash of August 2024 when SPY went from 554 to 532. A 4% drop. The humanity
Yeah, I was an early adopter of a smartwatch. I had an android watch before apple watch was even a thing. One day, while on vacation in Croatia, I jumped off a boat into the Adriatic with it on, and those early models weren’t really waterproof. I kinda shook it off because like you said, I never really used or cared about any of the data, and I was kinda over it as a gimmicky, fairly useless thing. It was kinda cool to be able to read and reply to texts without taking my phone out of my pocket, but it wasn’t a game changer. Then my birthday came around and my gf got me a new smartwatch, so I kinda had to wear one again for a while. I wore it for a bit, and then one day, just kinda stopped charging and using it altogether. There is no wow factor with them imo.
That was the capitol police, not DC. I believe they are feds.
I mean, that dude died when he was 3. It is possible his views were passed onto his mother, but.
I had created a few things on Google sheets that my coworkers were using. It wasn’t anything groundbreaking, but one was a spreadsheet I’d made that had all of our driver’s availability to assist with scheduling. The sheets were on my personal account, and we didn’t end on good terms, so I just locked them all out. It was funny getting all the texts asking for access the next day. I told them to make their own.
A friend of mine’s kid snitched on him when he was in the right. Something similar where 5 and under were free or discounted, and he said to the ticket person she’s 5, and she just decided to play a kid game with him. “NOOO DADDDY, I’M 6!” but she actually was 5. He said, no, you’re not sweetheart you’re 5, and the lady gives him a wink and goes “It’s ok, she can be 5 today.” He was trying to tell her she actually was 5 and he wasn’t trying to cheat them, and she’s like “don’t worry about it” in a tone that said she was not believing him.
Can’t even wait 2
He is (or was) the richest man in the world. You’d have to be living under a rock to not know who he is
“There’s tesla buyers who dont even know who musk is or what he does”
I’m going to have to call bs on that.
My point from a legal standpoint is that ‘fighting words’ are not protected speech
Like it or not, that’s been the interpretation since the founding of the US. It is not the case in some other countries, but I’m assuming we are talking about the US here. What most people miss is it only restricts the government from punishing your speech, not private entities. Insults, defamation, and lies, are absolutely allowed, but you can be found liable civilly for any damage done by this speech either through punitive damages (lawsuit settlement) or other means, deplatforming, loss of employment, etc.
threats, calls for hatred, are a bit of a gray area. It depends on the severity of the threat, but true threats can be prosecuted.
Hate speech is generally allowed, but if it is inciteful enough to be a true threat, it too can be prosecuted.
If you’d like to read up on true threats, see below:
Por que no los dos?
Honestly, the latter is absolutely free speech. They are 100% free to say that shit if they want. They are not free however from consequences, i.e. getting hit in the mouth, fired from their job, etc.
And if u work in the factory, unscrew a bolt or 2 from the robots on your way out.
Democrats and being pushovers. Name a better duo.