Interesting. Guess I’m lucky.
Haven’t seen anyone mention Cinema Paradiso or The Good the Bad and the Ugly. Both are wildly different. Ennio Morricone is a genius.
There’s also The Incredibles - Michael Giacchino
The Greatest Showman - Various Artists
Saving Private Ryan - John Williams
The Prince of Egypt - Hans Zimmer
The Gospel of John - Jeff Dann (great middle eastern vibe)
An enclave is defined as an area within a territorial boundary. So an exclave is an area outside of a boundary with ties to the main territory
Essentially, Apple is trying to realize the security advantages of a microkernel without tossing the monolithic aspects of XNU.
“In iOS 18, exclaves refer to specific resources that are separated from the main iOS kernel (XNU) and cannot be accessed by it, even if the kernel is compromised,"
Pretty neat hardening of the OS. Decent write up that isn’t too deep in the weeds.
Lol, it only takes a few days to no longer have withdraw effects of caffeine. Some Ibuprofen and Tylenol will take care of the headache in the transition.
This is what works for me. If I’m productive in things I want to do, instead of have to do, I’m fulfilled and okay with going to sleep on Sunday night and not thinking about it. If I feel like I waste the weekend then I have an issue mentally with going to work. Mind, if I’m exhausted and want to spend the weekend watching YouTube or whatever then I’m okay with it. It all depends on mindset.
It is weird that China is the levelheaded ones in this war. Oi.
Yeah, this is the only logical move they have. Good to see someone still has ethical brains in business these days.
And you’re being pedantic and missing the point.
Good for Colorado. This would just disrupt learning for kids who are citizens as well. Not to mention that it’s reprehensible to go after kids while they’re away from their parents. History will not look kindly on this.
So a projector, just like DLP. That’s the backlight technology in this case. Instead of an LCD screen being integrated into the projector itself, it’s on a larger screen in front of it. Same difference as far as lighting technology goes.
A better one would be, “A Projector With Contrast You Haven’t Seen For Years.”
That was once a lot more true than nowadays since the software has ways to mitigate the degradation. Once you’ve gone to a display with true black like OLED, nothing no else compares honestly. They even make movie theater screens look bad. It’s not possible to have a projector give you true black. Better contrast sure, but not true black. There is a limit to contrast anyway since human eyes can only see so bright.
Elon, they’re talking to you.
It’s not good that they’re running out but it’s great that so many people are getting their kids vaccinated that they run out.
Bwahahaha! So not what I expected.
Hey, it’s your warranty. They do more than just spray down your coils. They’re checking for pressure loss and leaks as well as cleaning the blower motor and wheel (which is where a lot of issues occur).
This is why HVAC companies tell you that you need to have maintenance performed on them once a year on each system. That’s not an upsell that’s to maintain the warranty as they literally wont run as well year over year without cleaning and will half the life of your expensive system.
This is old and they’ve already said it’s a bug. Stellantis sucks for sure though.