• 2 Posts
Joined 8 months ago
Cake day: July 18th, 2024


  • I don’t know what you expect, an open statement of their intent to break the law? As though that’s going to go better for the school/students?

    You’re using a curious definition of “break the law.”

    Nothing that is happening to their students is legal. They have the option to say “As of today, we will not cooperate in any form with these particular federal authorities, because they are clearly breaking American law and endangering the safety of people who are in our care.” That would be kind of a bare minimum. If they wanted to use some of that staggering pile of money at their disposal to hire armed security, backed by high-paid lawyers to make sure that they had some legal backing for their use of force against warrantless intrusions, that would be nice too. And also, to sic those same lawyers on the authorities that have Khalil imprisoned, at least try to put some pressure on so he doesn’t just slip away.

    There are a lot of municipalities that have that kind of policy against cooperating with ICE, for exactly that reason. Some of their leaders were just summoned to congress to explain themselves, and apparently did so in a pretty vigorous fashion. Is that safe for them? Not really, in the current climate. They did it anyway.

    Sometimes shit hits the fan, man. If someone comes in your house and starts snatching your family members, what are you supposed to do? “Oh I can’t stop him, that would be violent”?

    Starting to resist illegal violence against you is necessary, even if it’s not safe. Failing to resist is infinitely less safe.

    Yes, I know it’s easy for me to sit here at my computer and type all bravely about how they should take a stand when they have a bunch of stuff to lose. Typing is more than they did. They couldn’t even muster the stones to type out a direct statement about how it’s wrong to snatch students and put them in indefinite detention when they haven’t done anything. So, like I said, fuck 'em.

    Khalil had some stuff to lose too, and he still tried to fight for the rights of vulnerable people. Go tell his pregnant wife that it would be better for the school/student that they don’t try to make too many waves about what happened / what is happening to him.

  • They didn’t go to a grand jury or get an indictment.

    They didn’t have a warrant.

    They attempted to say they were cancelling his visa, which they actually would be able to do, although actually deporting him is supposed to require a hearing in front of a judge. They appeared surprised that he was now a permanent resident, and appeared to say that without any type of court proceeding being involved, they were “cancelling” that too, which isn’t even remotely how it works.

    The fact that there are still courts operating somewhere else in the country, applying to other people who are being subject to some other types of proceeding, does not mean that in this case they somehow magically apply to this guy. It seems extremely clear that they do not, and no one intends to have them start.

    That doesn’t have to be the end of the story, of course. But they still might completely get away with it. There are, as far as I know, still some people in Guantanamo who have been there for decades without any kind of chance to challenge the accusations against them, and no one seems to mind all that much.

  • Due process?

    There is no pretense that he has committed a crime, or isn’t in the country legally. He has a green card.

    What the fuck do you mean, due process?

    The holocaust was legal. In that sense, the sense of “they are ICE and so by definition, whatever fucked-up thing they do is ‘legal’,” they are following due process. If there is any other one, I’m not aware of it. Can you help me understand?

    Fuckin’ due process. What on earth do you mean by that? What process are they following?

    1. Their “resistance” to Trump’s fascist bullshit is surely going to be temporary.
    2. You assholes had the option not to come out swinging for the bad guys last year, and you chose to deep throat the boot, and now that it’s literally come to the secret police asking to come to your campus and use your student body to get all their field training on unlawful detention in, you all of a sudden have a problem with it? Man, fuck you. I thought you guys were supposed to be smart, I thought you knew history. I’m genuinely confused if you’re now claiming that you didn’t see this coming and aren’t cool with it.

    I sort of suspect that they’ve realized, belatedly, that it might come back around on them in some way, and that’s what they are concerned about. Not about freedoms of speech and the civil society in which they have all their fancy buildings, or about Khalil or his wife and family.

    Edit: Their statement of support after the modern day Gestapo came to their campus and randomly snatched one of their students is still up as of right now:

    There have been reports of ICE around campus. Columbia has and will continue to follow the law. Consistent with our longstanding practice and the practice of cities and institutions throughout the country, law enforcement must have a judicial warrant to enter non-public University areas, including University buildings. Columbia is committed to complying with all legal obligations and supporting our student body and campus community.


    Then, they realized that wasn’t quite strong enough, and so they made an updated one:

    There have been reports of ICE in the streets around campus. Columbia has and will continue to follow the law. We want to again communicate to our campus community that we have a protocol in place, which includes phone numbers to call in case you are approached on or off campus. Consistent with this protocol, and consistent with our longstanding practice and the practice of cities and institutions throughout the country, law enforcement must have a judicial warrant to enter non-public University areas, including residential University buildings. Columbia is committed to complying with all legal obligations and supporting our student body and campus community. We are also committed to the legal rights of our students and urge all members of the community to be respectful of those rights.


    The last one is probably the most tragically hilarious, but too long to politely include in full here:


    An excerpt:

    We will support our community. I understand the distress that many of you are feeling about the presence of U.S. Immigration and Customs Enforcement (ICE) agents in the streets around campus. I feel it too and am working with our team to manage the response. Resources for students are listed below.

    They include contact information for a religious life advisor, in case your university’s absolutely abject lack of giving a shit about your physical safety has caused you to give up entirely on the physical realm.

  • There was a significant length of time when they didn’t.

    Both of the white people who were recently accidentally thrown by ICE into detention centers designed for brown people reported (a) that they were horrifying, with nonstop screaming, solitary confinement, shortages of fundamental human things like clothing and towels, that kind of thing (b) there were people who had been there for a long, long time (the more recent one said “years”). Reportedly, even for white people who clearly don’t “belong there,” there is a shortage of judges who might ever give them a hearing which would lead quickly to them being able to get out, and so in they stay.

    Khalil has been disappeared. The fact that people temporarily know where he is after not knowing for a few days (!), and that they found someone who was an “immigrant” and so ICE had some kind of fig-leaf of justification to randomly snatch because Trump told them to, in no way detracts from the horrifying nature of what’s going on. I think “disappeared” is a pretty accurate description even if it’s been temporarily announced where he is.

    I don’t know what to do. This article is one of the first I’ve read in the press that is as alarmed as people should be about what is going on.

  • He didn’t make himself president. He had some natural talents that helped the process along, but being an angry idiot which means he could connect emotionally with a lot of American voters who are also angry idiots was one of them. It’s in no way a counter argument for him being an idiot.

    If you fire a sedated turkey buzzard into an airplane engine, that doesn’t make it a skilled mechanic, even if it then makes unprecedented changes to the characteristics of the airplane.

  • they aren’t authorized to speak to the media about the looming crisis

    What the fuck un-American nonsense is this?

    I do get it. We’ve normalized the “employer” to “employee” relationship, where you’re sort of a free person but also sort of a slave, and that’s carried over into government service. Fuck that though. You are a person. You’re allowed to talk if you want to, and any separate person who’s trying to tell you they are the one in charge of that decision is probably a big piece of dookie at heart.

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    • Lemmy cons: Shouty communists, atrocious mod tools
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    • Mbin cons: (1) Ugly (2) Awkward (3) What the fuck is “Magazines”
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    • Piefed cons: What the fuck is a Piefed

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