You are adding ‘not sure’ as a negative. I didn’t. That’s why statistics are so much fun.
You are adding ‘not sure’ as a negative. I didn’t. That’s why statistics are so much fun.
finitebanjo has some pretty obvious ‘lying with statistics’ vibes. He said only 18% approved of Luigi’s actions when I can say only 41% view Luigi’s actions as negative. They were just cherry picking some stats.
If anything it shows that less than half disapprove of Luigi’s actions. Only 41% have a negative view of his actions.
Aren’t statistics fun?
Edit: I just was pointed out that I just used the first graph of people under 45, for my info. There are more graphs that could be used to argue different points.
Is this a legit trend? That’s pretty funny. I’m going to do some searching.
The only thing I can assume that is referencing is when felons can’t vote in some states unless their court obligations are done. Some states passed laws where you can’t have your voting rights reinstated unless that court debt is paid off. That includes payment. Some people did their time but haven’t paid off their court fines.
doesn’t marriage guarantee citizenship?
Not really in practice. There are other stories of spouses married to US citizens and being the parent to US babies. These guys are literally ripping families apart. They did it the first time and they are doing it now.
There is a ‘path’ but the hoops you would have to jump through mean you’ll self deport and be away from your family for a very long time(by design). The immigration system is backed up after all. Plus what ever stable job you had will be gone after the months to years long wait.
You’re right. I stopped at the first graph because I didn’t do my due diligence. I just get tired of arguing statistics with people. I read through more of the graphs and that difference would make sense to me only if they asked more people over 45 than under 45. I would have to see more of the survey info. People can make graphs and random breakdowns by group to argue many different points.