The bit with the Italian submarine crew being stereotypically obsessed with coffee is gold.
The bit with the Italian submarine crew being stereotypically obsessed with coffee is gold.
The Night Shift (https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Næturvaktin), an Icelandic sitcom about the staff of a service station - at least at first. It’s pretty deadpan like the Office or I’m Alan Partridge, and their situation just gets more dire and funnier as the series progress. It got a UK DVD release thanks to the BBC, and I just learned there is a movie too.
I like the idea that all Spider-man films are just remakes of the first Sam Raimi one, like that production company who only had the rights to make Bond as long as it was Thunderball.
My delivery manager says he committed to a date. I’m a software engineer - I never commit to anything, and certainly not dates.
Tapas is genius way to charge people a lot for not enough food.
They forgot the bit where the Waterfall method blew through the budget and deadline about five times over.
I don’t know what the pineapple lovers are eating but it ain’t pizza.
They’re explicitly a centre-right party though. Having a two party system is jokes in this day-and-age (presumably why MAGA replaced it with your new one-party system).