I like American music. Do you like American music? I like American music, too.
Other versions of me:
I’ve only heard “clowder”, “conference”, and “pack”.
Around 55 cubic feet, or 2 cubic meters. That’s about 20% over the capacity of our bookshelves, so we weed regularly but we also keep getting more books. On top of that I read about six full-length ebooks a month and another physical book from the library.
We buy some new but also swap books via the local mutual aid networks. All the ebooks I get from my friend Roger, he’s very jolly. And Dolly Parton sends my youngest child a book every month because she’s cool like that.
fresh bread, avocados, fresh tomatoes, fresh meat
It’s not that they go bad after just two days, but a week is too long
Boxers in most weather, longjohns in the deep of winter.
If your boxers ride up, you’ve got the wrong size. They are supposed to hang loose.
I keep hearing this, but to me, they’re the suburbs of underwear: All the disadvantages of both boxers and briefs and few of the advantages.
I feel bad while doing so. They’ve made it so unpleasant, I just want to read my HFY subscriptions in peace.
No. Few things are fair about either.
I eat a lot of fresh food that doesn’t last a week; I shop every other day. I also eat a lot of things that last forever and are cheapest in bulk, like beans, rice, pasta. As a result, I honestly don’t know what a week of groceries looks like.
Can they change? Yes.
Do they change? Not often.
Lake Meade, Pennsylvania
it’s already booked, though, family reunion.
If all a candidate has to do to get elected is be less evil than the other, then there’s no incentive to be good; instead candidates are free to be as evil as they want up to the limit of the opposition. If a candidate had to be less evil than the person they’re succeeding, sure, we’d get less evil over time. But that’s not the case, they’re compared to their opponents not their predecessors. Every time we elect someone shitty we show them they don’t have to be any better than that to get elected.
I’ve been saying it for years and every time I’m told “but if you don’t vote the lesser evil the greater evil wins!”
Well, as predicted, if you do vote the lesser evil the bar is lowered year after year until both are significantly more evil than before. Standards must be enforced. We need to demand candidates that are better than last year’s, not just better than the opposition.
Mine taught Mexico Spanish, but with a brief reminder every once in a while about the vosotros conjugations.