I’m not really sure it’s better tbh
I’m not really sure it’s better tbh
What problems with YouTube did you have?
That’s a first time fee
I mean, you’re describing poorly run company. It’s unfortunately all to common, but it’s also isn’t something good or even standard.
That’s the neat part about implementing fascism, you suddenly stop giving a shit about public support. Why do you think they were trying to do it that badlt
I didn’t see any other way to filter it down to a number I could conceivably interview live on zoom.
You can get help from other people. If you’re so cool you have 70 relevant resumes for one position, you can afford 70 human-hours, internally or even externally.
The hell are you talking about
A lot of Firefox users spoof the useragent.
As long as you collectively sitting on your bums waiting for some distant politicians to help you, you will be all the way fucked.
It doesn’t matter hoe much surveillance it is right now, if fascism comes, they will put out all that they need immediately