Inherenting extra chromosomes is generational wealth
Inherenting extra chromosomes is generational wealth
As of 3:00 PM EST, it’s down over 15% on the day and in a bit of a further swing 😍
As of 1:00 PM EST, it’s down 12% on the day and dropping 🥰
It’s on Netflix and I cannot express enough how much I adore this show
Tho those complicated outcome trends can have issues with things like minorities having worse health outcomes due to a history of oppression and poorer access to Healthcare. Will definitely need humans overseeing it cause health data can be misleading looking purely at numbers
That article is a wild. Feels like we are in a story with terrible foreshadowing and retcons
I was at least hoping World War III would be kicked off by something interesting. Not two men getting cranky at another man for perceived lack of sufficient ball gargling
These themed hotels are getting out of hand